Page 25 of Ghost

“Stay outta my business,” I said, my voice low. “Next time, I won't let go.” As I started to turn, she lunged again, catching me off guard with a fist to my face. My head whipped to the side from the impact.

“You fucking cow,” I growled, using the back of my hand to shove my hair out of my face. Carefully I pressed my fingers to my cheek and winced at the contact.

This bitch…

In a haze of red, I lunged forward, my body colliding with hers as I took her to the ground. Moving quick, I straddled her chest and let my fists fly. I vaguely heard her screams as I swung over and over again, beating the ever-loving shit out of her.

“Ghost!” she shrieked, clearly expecting him to storm in and rescue her.

Ignoring her screams, I reared back and threw my fist into her nose, enjoying the crunch as it broke. Blood gushed out and I smiled at the carnage. “You’re fucking insane!” she cried.

“Yeah, and you’re the bitch that came at me.” I pulled my hand back to hit her again when the sound of heavy boots came barreling through the swinging door and a strong hand wrapped around my wrist.

“Son of a…” Ghost's gravelly voice cut through the screams. My head shot up, my blue eyes connecting with his chocolatey browns. In a flash, he hauled me to my feet.

“Shit, look what she did to Daisy,” I heard someone mutter, a chorus of agreement following.

“Damnit, Rae,” Ghost growled. “What the fuck are you doing.” I dropped my head, suddenly embarrassed for my actions. I couldn’t believe I’d been so easily baited. Ghost’s hand went under my chin, and he lifted my face. His eyes went straight to the spot on my cheek.

“I was defending my honor,” I whispered, breathing heavier as the adrenaline began to wane. I looked away when Daisy was pulled to her feet, blood pouring from her nose.

“Your honor, huh?” Ghost stepped even closer, a grin cracking through the shock.

Was he… smiling? My eyes narrowed. He had a lot of nerve finding anything about the situation funny, after his whore attacked me.

“Something like that,” I bit back, squaring my shoulders. I wasn’t taking the rap when she was the one who came after me.

“Never seen anyone put Daisy in her place before,” someone piped up from behind Ghost. There was respect there, a note of amusement too.

“Guess there's a first time for everything,”someone else chimed in.

“Enough,” Ghost commanded, his eyes locked on mine. “Back to business, boys.” His command sent the bikers scattering, but I caught the glances thrown my way and the nods of approval.

“You. Let's go.”

“Me?” I squeaked as he latched onto my hand and dragged me out the door. Ghost stormed down the narrow hallways, unfazed by the onlookers. “This isn’t my fault,” I defended as he shoved open a bedroom door and pulled me inside.

“Whose room is this?” My arms went around my middle.

“Mine. Now, sit,” he demanded, pointing to the edge of his bed. My ass went down. I wasn’t in a place to argue when he’d just caught me brawling.

“Fucking fighting with a club whore,” he growled under his breath as he paced the floor. Back and forth he prowled before suddenly stopping in his tracks and pinning his eyes on me. “What the hell were you thinking, Rae? She could have hurt you.”

I scoffed, running my fingers through my tangled hair. There wasn’t a chance in hell that twig could have bested me. Strutting around in three-inch heels with her ass hanging out. Hurt me? As if.

“You think this is a joking matter?” He moved closer. “I get wanting to stick up for yourself, Rae. Fuck, if you were anyone else, I’d encourage it around here, but you’re responsible for my little girl. What kind of example do you think fighting with a club whore sets?”

My back snapped to attention.What the hell was that supposed to mean?

“Maybe you need to talk to your girlfriend then.” My eyes narrowed. “She was the one who ambushed me, over you,” I snapped back, heat creeping up my cheeks.How goddamn embarrassing.

Ghost’s head tilted to the side as the corner of his lip tipped up in amusement. “Over me?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, watching as his grin transformed into a smile. Of course, he thought that was funny.

“Look, I'm not proud of my behavior. I’ve got a bit of a temper when backed into a corner, okay? I’m sorry. Just... please don't fire me.” I avoided his eyes, focusing on the worn carpet beneath my boots.

“Rae.” His voice lost its humor as he kneeled down in front of me. “Look at me, baby.” My cheeks warmed as I lifted my face. “You think you're gonna lose your job over some catfight?”