Page 71 of Fatal Temptation

A second later he was inhaling blonde hair and stumbling back a step when his sister jumped into his arms. He laughed and held her tight.

He felt arms wrap around both of them and soon he found his whole family in a group hug with him and Addie in the middle. He closed his eyes, taking in the moment. Taking in the happiness and peace he felt, the guilt that had haunted him for so long barely there anymore.

Even his nightmares had become less intense over the past few months. Or, perhaps, it was simply that Lucas was there to hold him through every one of them.

Lucas was everything he’d ever wanted and so much more. Was everything always perfect? No. Did the good times outweigh the bad ones? Absolutely. Every single time.

They might have only been together for a couple of months, but he’d loved the man for four years. To outsiders it might look like they were moving fast but, in truth, he felt like he’d waited forever for Lucas.

He looked at his ring, a smile gracing his lips, and then he looked up at Lucas.

He was done waiting. Their forever was now.



“I CAN’T believe you,” Maggie said by way of greeting as she stormed into the room. Her blue dress billowed around her as she sat down on the futon between Akio and Addie with a huff, her gaze deadly as she pouted.

“What?” he asked, grinning because he already knew the answer.

“Why would you invitehim?”

“Am I not allowed to invitemyfriends tomywedding?”

She gave him a cross look. “No, because yourbestfriend doesn’t want him here.”

“He misses you.”

“That’s on him.”

He shook his head, a smile spreading on his lips.

“Ryder stays.”

Maggie groaned and mimicked getting stabbed in the heart.

He only laughed.

“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much,” Addie said as she wagged her brows at Maggie.

Maggie flipped her off much to Addie’s amusement. Akio slapped Maggie’s hand down with a shake of his head. Maggie simply used her other hand instead.

His disappointed groan only made them laugh.

They had spent the morning getting ready together. Their hair was done, and they were dressed to impress. Maggie and Addie had chosen their bridesmaid dresses themselves. He’d once promised his sister she could wear whatever dress she wanted at his wedding, and she had indeed chosen a blue dress like she’d said she would. It was a gorgeous dusty blue with a very elegant silhouette. As was Maggie’s. Both had a slit high enough to make Diesel say a prayer.

The door opened and Chris poked his head inside, an excited look on his face.

“Are we good to go?”

“Yes,” Addie yelled and ran toward Chris who caught her with a chuckle. “Let’s go. Come on.”

She was jumping in place, her excitement making them all laugh despite her hurrying on them.

Akio stood and took a deep breath. He couldn’t believe it was actually happening. He was about to walk down that aisle and say I do. He was about to marry the man he loved.

He felt a hand on his arm and glanced at Maggie.