Page 72 of Fatal Temptation

“You ready?” she asked.

A smile spread on his lips, and he looked at his best friend feeling like the luckiest guy in the world for having so many people who loved him and wanted to spend this momentous day at his side.

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

Maggie chuckled and tugged him toward the door.

They walked out into the hallway where Diesel was waiting for them, nervously pacing back and forth until he saw them.

Maggie planted a kiss on Akio’s cheek and stepped aside for Diesel to walk up and hug him tight. He held on, surprised by just how much it meant to him that his brother was there.

All he could do was smile as Diesel fussed over him, straightening his tie and brushing dust that definitely wasn’t there off his shoulders.

He grabbed Diesel’s hands and when his brother met his gaze, he said, “Thank you. For loving me. For giving me such a wonderful life and family.”

Tears welled in Diesel’s eyes and his tough-as-nails brother did nothing to hide it.

“I love you,” Diesel said and squeezed Akio’s hands. “Let’s go get you married, shall we?”

Akio huffed out a low laugh and shook his head at his brother.


Diesel held out his arm and Akio took it, turning to look for Chris so the man could take his other arm. Chris was pushing Addie to the front and ensured she remembered her bouquet before he made his way to Diesel and Akio’s side.

The music began and his heart jumped, excitement thrumming in his veins.

The girls walked first and then it was his turn, the two men who’d changed his life and taken him in without hesitation on either side of him.

The white chairs filled with people he knew and loved were the first thing he saw, the next was the man standing at the end of the aisle waiting for him. The man who saw all of him. The one who loved him for who he was and not in spite of it.

He was looking fantastic in his dark suit, the tie matching his green eyes perfectly. Mo, Tahir, and Evan were standing by Lucas’ side, his groomsmen looking excited with their matching grins.

He knew he was blushing from the look Lucas gave him, but he couldn’t care less.

Once he stood in front of Lucas and held his hands, looking into eyes filled with nothing but love, he knew this was just the beginning and he was so ready to spend his life with Lucas at his side.


He was dancing with his husband.Husband. He still couldn’t believe it. His heart had been hammering in his chest as he stood at the end of that aisle, waiting to see Akio walk toward him. His sister had been first, blushing the whole way, looking beautiful and proud in her blue dress. Maggie came next, a gleam in her brown eyes as she grinned at Lucas the whole way. Then came Akio with Chris on one arm and Diesel on the other.

He looked gorgeous as ever with a shy smile on his lips, his black suit pristine and, fuck, if he wasn’t looking forward to seeing it on the floor once they took off for their hotel room later.

Saying those two words had rocked his world but not nearly as much as hearing Akio say them back. He hadn’t thought he would have this. Have Akio. He’d almost sent Detective Holland a thank you note because if the douchebag hadn’t arrested Akio, they might not be here today.

When the music started, Akio held out his hand and said, “You better dance with me, husband.”

How could he ever have refused? There was nothing he wanted more, so he took Akio’s hand and let him lead them onto the dance floor, the song they’d chosen for their first dance playing as his husband tugged him close, arm wrapping around his waist.

He barely noticed the people standing around them, watching as they danced for the first time as a married couple. He only had eyes for the man in front of him. He found himself lost in the depths of those dark brown eyes and knew he’d be happy if he was never found again.

“I can’t believe this all started with a dance,” he said.

Akio shook his head. “It all started with an abused boy who only saw one way out. I didn’t know how to live. I’d only ever survived. Until you. Until my family.”

He arched a brow at Akio.

“But, yeah, let’s stick witha dance,” Akio said teasingly.