Page 57 of Fatal Temptation

“I’m not the only one they have in their pocket though I suspect whoever else they have is in it for the money,” she said and glanced at Lucas. “Anyone in the Bureau could have gotten your address.”

Akio freed himself from Lucas’ hold again and walked up to Gemma, taking her hands in his. They were cold and shaking just slightly. “We’ll help you get your niece back.”

He felt Lucas behind him and looked up to see Lucas put a hand on Gemma’s shoulder, staring into her eyes as he spoke.

“We’ll get her back.”

That was a promise he knew Lucas would do anything to keep.



HE WATCHED Gemma out of the corner of his eye. He couldn’t imagine what she was going through. What she’dbeengoing through. Five weeks they’d had her niece. She got a picture once a week of her niece with the daily newspaper to confirm that she was indeed still alive. It had to be hell.

Gemma was sitting on the couch, staring into the wall, as the others returned sans Maggie who was remaining at college.

Ryder took one look at Gemma and leveled Lucas with a deep glare.

“Is this gonna be a thing?” Ryder drawled. “You bringing in more feds?”

“No one asked you to be here,” Lucas snarled back.

Ryder threw his arms wide. “You’re inmyhouse.”

“Really, guys?” Akio asked, giving them both a disappointed look.

Lucas knew he wasn’t the only one who looked sheepish at Akio’s chiding, which made him feel slightly better about it.

He drew in a deep breath, then said, “Gemma, this is Chris and Diesel.”

Gemma watched them wearily for a moment, then her eyes widened slightly, and she threw a curious glance at Lucas.

“ThatChris?” she mouthed.

He pressed his lips together and avoided her eyes.

“I’m Ryder.”

He didn’t offer Gemma a handshake though from the leery look she gave him, she wouldn’t have shaken his hand anyway. Not with that leather cut and one percent patch. Chris and Diesel were smart enough not to have worn theirs.

“Kuroki took Gemma’s niece five weeks ago,” Lucas said.

He felt the change of atmosphere immediately upon speaking those words. Diesel went completely still as if he was holding his breath, his gaze remaining on Akio who was trying not to drown in that guilt that still ate him up. Chris sat down next to Gemma, offering his help without a second thought.

Ryder, though? There was anger in the man’s gaze, and he might’ve thought it was directed at Gemma if he hadn’t noticed Ryder glancing at a picture on the wall. It was of him, a woman in a pink dress, and two kids. Ryder’s sister and his nephews. He recognized them from his dive into Ryder’s background.

“I’ve…” Gemma cleared her throat, avoiding everyone’s eyes. “I’ve had to work for him. He told me to get Lucas’ CI. He was pissed after the raid but even more so when his guys failed to grab Lucas at his apartment.”

Lucas couldn’t help his huff and when Gemma looked up at him, he mumbled, “I don’t think they were there tograbme.”

He held Gemma’s gaze, noting the lack of emotion there. She was reaching the end of her rope, and he knew what someone dissociating looked like. He saw too much of it at work. Both from his colleagues and from the victims.

“Kuroki is expecting you to bring Akio to him, yes?” Ryder asked Gemma.

Lucas and Diesel were protesting the next second, both knowing exactly where Ryder’s question was leading to. Using Akio as bait.

“Not happening,” he snapped at Ryder while Diesel growled, “Over my dead body.”