Page 56 of Fatal Temptation

He got up on unsteady legs.

He didn’t know exactly where Diesel and Chris were. He knew they’d dropped Maggie off at college because she’d sent him a picture of her holding his birthday gift. They could be on the way back but how far they were? No idea. Ryder had left hours ago and Lucas… he hoped Lucas hadn’t walked into a trap. The thought was like a cold splash of terror. He felt his throat close up as tears filled his eyes.

“Please don’t do this.”

Something flashed through Gemma’s eyes and for a moment she looked conflicted but then she squared her shoulders and grabbed him by the arm. She turned them around, pulling him along as she headed through the living room. They only made it a few steps before Gemma jerked to a halt and he felt a flash of pain through his arm from the sudden jolt.

Lucas was in the doorway, anger pouring off him worse than when he’d left, but Akio found that he could breathe again.

“Gemma,” Lucas said, gun aimed at her head.

He didn’t know why, but she didn’t drag him in front of her. She didn’t use him as a shield. She just let go of him.

He didn’t think twice. He just ran to Lucas, slamming into his side. An arm wrapped around him, and he took a second to just bury his face in Lucas’ shoulder, breathing in deeply. It was as if a blanket of safety wrapped around him. Safe. Lucas was safe.

“Why?” Lucas asked, his voice filled with anguish.

Gemma shook her head. “Fuck you.”

“Gem, come on. What the fuck is going on?”

“They have my niece, you asshole,” she sneered, anger flashing through her eyes. “They’ve had her for weeks. What the fuck was I supposed to do? They’d kill her the second I said anything to anyone. She means everything to me.”

Lucas breathed out shakily, the sound almost heartbreaking to Akio’s ears.

“I understand, but you could’ve?”

“I could what? Try to make you all suspicious of me? What would that do? Get me suspended? That would only get her killed faster. I tried to make you notice something was wrong. I know I’m good, but no one’s that good. Still, not one of you noticed something off. You’re all too busy getting ahead in your stupid careers to fucking care.”

“That’s not true,” Lucas said, voice strained.

“Like hell, it isn’t. If I’d told any one of you, I know damned well none of you would’ve risked your careers for me. For her.”

“Lucas would have,” Akio said and straightened, taking a step toward her. “My real name is Akio Yokota. Kaito Yokota was my father.”

“Akio,” Lucas hissed and tugged him back against his side.

He looked up at Lucas, staring into those gorgeous green eyes as he said, “What’s the difference between her and you? If they had taken me, what would you have done?”

Lucas shook his head, but it was clear from the sorrowful look in his eyes that he’d hit the nail on the head. He knew Lucas would have done whatever he deemed necessary.

Akio turned his gaze back on Gemma who looked close to breaking down, tears in her eyes as her lip quivered. She had to be exhausted. From the lies and secrets. From the fear of losing her niece. From the things she’d had to do.

“Lucas helped my brother’s motorcycle club get my brother back after our father kidnapped him. He… he watched me shoot my father and yet, I’m still here. Not in prison.”

Gemma’s eyes dropped to the ground, and she worked her jaw for a moment before holstering her gun. She met Akio’s gaze and gave him a nod.

“I’ll take any help I can get.”

“We’ll help you, but don’t think that means you get out of this free and clear. Not after what you’ve done. I would never have given themyouraddress,” Lucas said, voice low and cold.

Gemma’s brows creased ever so slightly.

“You didn’t give them Lucas’ address, either, did you?” Akio asked her.

She shook her head.

“Then how…?”