Page 51 of Fatal Temptation

The smile on Chris’ lips was warm and he couldn’t help returning it.

“You got me there,” Chris said with a shrug, a wistful look finding his face. “I used to think Lucas was the one that got away.”

Akio raised his brows at Chris, his pulse picking up instantly.

“Then I met D,” Chris said, a wicked smile spreading on his lips. “I was so fucking gone for him before I even realized it. I didn’t think we’d ever get to be together, though.”

Akio nodded. He knew that part of their story. Chris’ brother had been a member of Diesel’s motorcycle club, and he’d ended up dead right around the time half of the club disappeared and what was left changed their club’s name. Chris had thought someone in the club was responsible and when his captain had refused to let him go undercover, he’d quit to do it anyway.

Chris had prospected at the club under an alias, trying to solve his brother’s murder while fighting his attraction to Diesel. They both fought it until they couldn’t any longer. A lot of things happened after that and, of course, it all came to a head when Diesel’s father showed up and took Diesel and Chris. At that time, Diesel had discovered Chris’ identity and had told him to leave the club before he told the others.

“He was worth fighting for,” Chris said, smiling softly. “If you and Lucas are willing to fight for each other, then I don’t see why it should be a problem for you two to be together.”

Chris shrugged, eyes gleaming wickedly. “He already knows he’s a dead man if he hurts you.”

A burst of laughter escaped Akio, and he shook his head at a grinning Chris.

It was pretty clear to him that they were both willing to fight for each other and for their relationship. There was nothing he wanted more than to be with Lucas.

Chris’ expression sobered.

“He told me he would choose you over the FBI.”

Akio sucked in a surprised breath, mouth hanging open as he stared at Chris.

Chris’ lips twitched as he threw a mischievous glance around the room. “I think he’s already proved that.”

He dropped his head into his hands again, wishing the ground would just swallow him up so he didn’t have to be reminded that everyone knew what they’d done that morning.

“Here,” Chris said and handed Akio a small purple box.

“What’s this?”

Chris grumbled something under his breath then shook his head. “Diesel had it made for Addie but with everything going on, I figured why not?”

Akio frowned but pulled the lid off the box, then frowned harder when he saw the thin silver bracelet inside.

“What is…?”

Chris exhaled. Loudly.

“It has a GPS tracker.”

A snort escaped Akio, and he gave Chris an incredulous look.

“Don’t look at me like that. Diesel is the one who got it and, besides, it’s for emergencies.”

“Whose emergencies? Addie’s or yours?”

“Addie’s. Trust me, it took a long fucking time to talk him out of a live tracker,” Chris said. “You just press the gemstone and hold it in for five seconds. It goes straight to both our phones.”


He put the box down with a soft smile. How could he not love that Chris cared enough to be worried about him? That was part of loving someone.


He turned his head slowly, unsure what he was in for when he heard Diesel’s voice behind him. His brother held his hands behind his back, a conflicted look crossing his face as he took a step closer.