He chuckled and squeezed her back.
“That’s okay. This is more than enough.”
He didn’t have to see her face to know she was rolling her eyes at him. He wasn’t being modest, though. Her presence soothed his anxious heart and her unwavering support for his and Lucas’ relationship meant the world to him.
He pulled back to cup her face and stared into her eyes.
“I love you.”
She blinked rapidly and he knew she was holding back tears.
“I love you, too. Even if you do get me into trouble,” she snarked.
He let out a huff and said, “You’re usually the one who getsmeinto trouble.”
She only laughed at that, her eyes twinkling.
“Though, speaking of trouble,” he said and placed his hands on her shoulders, “You’re definitely not staying here.”
Maggie pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, staring at him for a few seconds before she sighed.
“I figured as much. I don’t like leaving you here alone.”
“I’m not exactly alone,” he said and raised a brow.
She pinched his arm, making him jump and slap her hand away.
“You know what I mean,” she said.
Yeah. He knew. He felt the same about her. He didn’t like her being away from the people who could protect her the best, but he also knew that she was likely safer away from them. She’d certainly be safer on college grounds than wherever the guys decided they needed to go to end this thing with Kuroki.
He tugged Maggie back into a hug and dropped his head against her shoulder, eyes falling shut as he soaked in the moment. Maggie didn’t seem much inclined to end the hug, either, and though he didn’t know how long they actually stood there, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was a couple of minutes.
“If I’m going back to campus, I’m gonna need a shower first,” Maggie said and pulled back. She met Akio’s gaze with a twinkle in her eyes. “Ryder’s shower definitely beats out my dorm’s.”
“Does his bed beat your dorm’s?” he quipped, unsurprised when he received a light slap to the arm for it.
“No. Thebeddoes not,” she said and winked.
He shook his head as he watched her run up the stairs. He smiled to himself as he made his way to the couch and sat down with a sigh, the memory of what Lucas had done to him there earlier making his cheeks heat.
He took a deep breath and rubbed his hands down his face. Thinking about that was only going to get him into trouble.Moretrouble.
He looked up when he heard footsteps behind him, expecting Maggie to have returned but it was Chris who appeared, his hair looking a mess and that was definitely a different shirt from the one he’d worn in the kitchen.
“You’re alive,” he said, brows raised as Chris took a seat next to him.
Chris leaned back on the couch, his expression relaxed and he damned near radiated happiness. He grinned at Akio and said, “I’ve got bitemarks everywhere but, yeah, I’m alive.”
Akio groaned and shook his head.
“You’re overcompensating.”
Chris chuckled, then tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“The joking around? With Lucas. About…you know. I know you’re trying to compensate for my brother’s less-than-stellar reaction.”