Page 189 of Daddy, Sir

“You haven’t ruined anything, Francesca. This isn’t how I saw our evening going, I admit, but our evening is far from ruined. You were naughty, and you’re going to be punished. But after that, it’s over, and Daddy will take you to one of the aftercare rooms and hold you for as long as you need me to.”

Relief flickered across her face and beneath his hand some of the tension drained from her muscles. “Really?”

“Absolutely. Are you still green?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” Stepping away from her, he popped open the button of his sleeve and slowly began rolling the material to his elbow as he pitched his voice up for the audience they’d gathered. “When you are at the club, I expect you to show the other patrons the same respect you show me. And when another Dominant asks you a question, I expect you to answer honestly and respectfully. Am I making myself perfectly clear, Francesca?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. Let’s make sure you remember that going forward.”

Sliding one arm between her and the cross, he held her close as he raised his free hand and brought it down across her ass with a loudcrack! In his arms, Frankie jumped, a high-pitched yelp escaping her lips as his handprint bloomed over her bare skin.

Stunning. She was absolutely stunning.

And all his.

He gave her a moment to absorb the blow before landing a second swat on her other cheek. Frankie jerked and yelped again, and if he’d ever heard a sweeter sound in his life, he couldn’t remember.

“When you are at the club, your behavior is a reflection of me.” He punctuated his lecture with six hard swats to her ass, making her dance and gasp in response. “You aremylittle girl, Francesca, andmylittle girl is not rude and bratty for no good reason.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy! I’m sorry! Please, it hurts!”

He had no doubt it did. He was spanking a hell of a lot harder than he ever had before, because this was not a discussion he was keen to have again. General brattiness he could handle, but dishonesty and disrespect were out of the question. “Good.Hopefully you’ll learn this lesson well. Because I can promise it is not one you want me to repeat.”


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

If she’d thought her Daddy spanked hard before it was nothing compared to how he was lighting her up now. Every swat felt like a brand across her ass and the worst part was, her body’s instinctive response was to clench her bottom in response to the pain, which was a painful reminder each and every time of the giant piece of rubber lodged between her cheeks.

Needless to say, it did not take long at all for her to be feeling very, very sorry for herself.

And, to her surprise, even sorrier for how she’d behaved. Tears stung her eyes as the fire in her ass grew hotter, and the rock of guilt in her chest grew heavier.

Why hadn’t she just told him she wanted to talk to Cordelia and Ivy? Why had she been such a bitch to Mr. Elliott? If she’d thought through her actions just once instead of riding on impulse and temper as she so often did, she wouldn’t be getting her ass spanked harder than she’d ever been spanked before. In front of an audience, no less.

Do you always have to make such a spectacle of yourself, Francesca?

It was so absurd to be hearing her mother’s voice here, now, in this situation, she would have laughed if she hadn’t been so close to breaking down and sobbing.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity locked there in her Daddy’s arms while he blistered her ass, he stopped. His large hand cupped her aching flesh, giving it a gentle squeeze that sent another flash of pain racing through her veins.

And straight to her clit.

Because somehow, even through the pain and humiliation, she was still so fucking turned on she thought she might die if he didn’t let her come soon.

“Are you learning your lesson, Francesca?”

Sniffling back tears—maybe with a little tiny bit more drama than necessary for his benefit—Frankie nodded. “Yes, Daddy. I’m really, really sorry.”

“What have you learned so far?”

For a moment, her brain went blank and panic sent her heart racing as she scrambled to remember exactly what he’d been spanking her for.

Another hard squeeze of her ass made her jump as fresh tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill over. “Francesca. If you can’t answer me, then you obviously haven’t learned anything. And if that’s the case, I’m afraid we’ll need to start over.”