“No, Daddy, I did learn, I swear! I, um…” Shit, shit, shit, what was it? “I will be respectful to the other Doms in the club!”
“Very good.”
Relief flooded her system at his praise, so strong it might have sent her to her knees if he and the cross hadn’t been holding her up.
But that relief was very short lived.
“Now, to address your disobedience and your lies.”
“Oh, Daddy, no,” she groaned as he stepped away, leaving her naked and dangling from the metal bars. Turning her head to try and track him, her gaze fell on the crowd of people around the podium. Watching them.
Despite her aching ass, excitement pumped through her veins at the sight of their rapt faces. Everywhere she looked, all eyes were on her, but there wasn’t a hint of censure or judgement to be seen. It felt more like she was an actor on a stage, putting on a show. And these were all her biggest fans.
Okay. She definitely didn’t hate that.
But she only had a moment to enjoy her audience before Holden once more filled her vision, his expression hard as steel. “Do you remember the second part of your punishment, Francesca?” he asked, holding up a long, surprisingly realistic-looking cock for her to see.
“Yes, Daddy.” She did remember. And adoring fans or no, she wasnotlooking forward to what came next.
“Tell everyone what Daddy’s going to do with this big, thick cock, little siren.”
Humiliation heated her cheeks, but she silently reminded herself they were putting on a show, which did seem to get rid of most of the embarrassment. “You’re going to fuck me with it,” she answered, raising her voice enough to be heard by the crowd.
“Where am I going to fuck you with it, Francesca? Be specific.”
Even with the reminder that she was playing a part running over and over in her mind, it was a struggle to force the words from her mouth. “Y-you’re going to fuck my ass with it.”
“Yes, I am. Because naughty girls who don’t follow their Daddy’s instructions get their bottoms punished insideandout.”
Well, that was certainly something to remember for the future if she ever wanted to so blatantly ignore a direct order again.
“First, we have to get this plug out of your bottom. Bear down for me, little siren, just like you did when we put it in.”
Closing her eyes against the contradictory waves of need and humiliation crashing over her, she focused on bracing her core, on pushing the stupid rubber plug out of her as he tugged it free. It hurt, not quite as much as it had going in, but enough for her to realize exactly how much of a punishment getting fucked in the ass was really going to be.
No sooner had that thought crossed her mind than something new pressed at her back entrance. Unlike the plug, this rubber thing wasn’t super narrow at the tip, so she was spread open wide from the beginning as Daddy pushed it inside her.
Looking over her shoulder at him, she sniffled again, and this time it wasn’t at all for show. “C-can’t you just… you know? With your own?”
A smile curved his lips, but it was the kind of smile that told her before he even spoke that she wasn’t going to get what she’d asked for. “Is that what you want, little siren? Daddy’s thick cock in your bottom, fucking you hard as punishment for being a disobedient little girl?”
Did hehaveto say it that way? Ugh. “Yes, Daddy. Please?”
“No.” He pushed the fake cock deeper inside her, splitting her open far more than the plug had ever managed with a burn that had her crying out. “Do you know why you’re not getting Daddy’s cock in your bottom tonight, little siren?”
“N-no, Daddy,” she gasped out, panting for air as the pain and the need threatened to overwhelm her.
Leaning in, he dropped his voice to a low growl. “Because onlygoodgirls get Daddy’s cock in their bottoms. Naughty girls don’t get that privilege. Daddy’s cock is something you have to earn, Francesca. And you have not earned the right to get fucked with Daddy’s cock tonight.”
Never in her life had she felt like she was being denied a treat bynotgetting some guy’s dick in her ass. But the more Holdenlectured her, the more she felt exactly like a naughty little girl being told she couldn’t have dessert because she’d misbehaved all day.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she wailed as he pushed the cock so deep inside her she wondered how her body could possibly take it. “Please take it out, I’ll be good, I promise!”
“Poor little siren.” His voice dripped with sympathy, but it didn’t strike her as sincere. And that too-sweet tone only added more layers to her humiliation. “Does it hurt to get your naughty bottom fucked with this fake cock?”
“Yes, it hurts! Take it out!”