Page 18 of Daddy, Sir

“That’s an enormous sigh. Are you happy, Tati?”

“I think the happiest I’ve ever been. Even with this thing on my foot,” she said, waving at the cast.

“That won’t take long to heal. Does it still hurt?”

“Not bunches. Just when I bump it into something.”

“Then let’s avoid that, little girl. Can I talk to you about something serious?” he asked.

She swallowed hard and nodded. Was he sick of her already? Tatiana thought about shifting away but couldn’t make herself move. She was going to stay as close to him for as long as he’d let her.

“I love having you here. I know it hasn’t been long since we met, but I don’t want you to go back to your apartment. Would you consider moving here with me?”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You want me to stay here?”

“Yes, little girl.”

“Could I sleep with you?” Tatiana blurted. She’d woken up last night and had to fight herself not to wheel into Jack’s room.

“And sleep with Daddy,” he agreed with a smile. “That would make me very happy.”

A thought burst the happy bubble inflating inside her. “Will we get in trouble at work? Can we be romantically involved?”

“No. And, yes. Your position is safe. We’ll be the perfect team.”

She shifted on his lap to sit up and whacked her cast on his shin. His wince made her feel awful. “Oh! I’m sorry.”

“Any injury resulting from your cast is exempt from blame,” he stated firmly. “If, however, you are truly naughty, your bottom will suffer the consequences.”

Tatiana stared at him. Did he mean what she thought he meant? “You’re going to spank me?”

“If you are naughty, yes. Is that a trigger for you?” he asked, watching her face closely.

“No. Not a bad one,” she admitted.

“Someone has spanked you before?”

“No.” When he looked confused, she added, “The Littles in the books I’ve read get spanked.”

“Does that turn you on?”

She hesitated, not sure how much to admit. “Maybe?” That answer seemed safe.

“So, it does, and you don’t want to admit it,” he deduced. “Spankings can have two purposes; to titillate and to punish. For some Littles, the result can overlap. Both can be a release.”

“Oh!” She didn’t know what to say.

“When your foot has healed a bit more, I’ll demonstrate. For now, would you like to snuggle and watch a movie?” he suggested.

“It doesn’t hurt,” she rushed to reassure him.

“I’m glad. We need to let it heal before you start kicking to get away.”

She stared at him as she digested that statement. A visual image filled her mind of her stretched over her Daddy’s lap as he swatted her bottom. She glanced away from him to look at his hand wrapped around her thigh. Tatiana bet his hand was as hard as the rest of him. Her gaze flew back up to his face and he nodded, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“Give me a kiss, Tati. I’ll go get Hugo to keep you company for a few minutes while I clean the kitchen, and then we’ll choose a movie.”

She lifted her chin eagerly. Her Daddy cupped the side of her face. He captured her lips and slid in between them to taste her. Swirling his tongue inside, he sinuously explored her mouth. He was the best kisser. Tatiana tightened her arms around his neck and responded eagerly.