Page 167 of Daddy, Sir

“Why do I have the feeling you go by Francesca more often than not?”

Puffing her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout, she swirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Are you saying I’m a bad girl?”

“I think you are probably a girl used to getting your way.”

Well, that one hit a little close to home. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Even with his eyes locked on the road in front of them, she saw the corner of his lip twitch. “Not a bad thing. But the kind of thing that gets naughty girls like you punished.”

Heat flashed through her, settled firmly between her thighs at his statement. She’d been with a few kinky guys here and there, men who liked to order her around in the bedroom, and she wasn’t opposed to a little playful punishment. “Oooh, am I naughty? Are you gonna spank me, Daddy?”

“If you don’t do as you’re told, yes.”

God, she was a sucker for that deep, growly voice of his. “What if I don’t want a spanking?”

“Then be a good girl and I won’t have to punish you.”

“Good is boring.”

His laughter was so deep it seemed to vibrate the very air around her. “I can’t argue with you on that.”

Twisting in her seat, she leaned over, letting her hand rest on his thigh. “Why don’t I show you just how naughty I can be?”

“No distracting the driver, Francesca.”

Okay, that hadnobusiness being so fucking hot. She hated being called by her full name, but from him, in that voice… Yeah, her body definitely hadn’t gotten the memo on that one. “Am I distracting you?”

“Very much so.”

Again she felt that surge of power she’d experienced back at the club when he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her. Feeling emboldened by it, she reached for the buckle on her seatbelt and?—

“Little girl, if you unbuckle that seatbelt, I will pull this car over and whip your bare bottom withmybelt right on the side of the road. Am I understood?”

She wanted to be outraged. Correction, shewasoutraged, but she had to reach beneath layers of burning need and excitement to find it. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“I warned you what would happen if you don’t do as you’re told, little siren. Now it’s up to you to either obey or accept the consequences.”

“I thought you just meant like a quick, fun spanking! Not whipping me with your belt!”

“Fun spankings are for good girls who are a little naughty sometimes. Brats who disobey important rules like wearing their seatbelts do not get quick, fun spankings. They get punished, hard. And then they get fucked harder while they beg Daddy for forgiveness.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Those are the terms if you want to be with me tonight, Francesca. Tell me you don’t want me to punish you, that you don’t want to spend the night as Daddy’s naughty little girl and I’ll turn this car around right now and take you back to your friends. No hard feelings.”

That was, obviously, the right choice. She had no desire to find out how much his belt hurt, or what it would feel like to go over his wide lap while he swatted her ass with those huge hands. And she absolutely, one hundred percent, did not want to call him Daddy while those things happened.

So all she had to do was open her mouth, and tell him to take her back to the club.



But when she finally forced her mouth open, that was not what came out. “I don’t want to go back.”

He glanced over, his expression unreadable in the darkness of his vehicle. “I’m not a gentle man, Francesca. I’m going to hurt you.”

“I trust you.” It shocked her how true those words were. She had no business trusting a man she’d just met. A man who had just outright said he intended to hurt her.