They attacked the fast food they’d left on the kitchen table. One hunger fed, it was probably inevitable that another would pop up. They’d ended up back in her bedroom, and the second time was just as satisfying as the first, though less frantic. With need slightly blunted, they’d taken more time to explore each other.
He’d buried his face between her thighs and licked and sucked until she was arching off the bed and calling him Daddy over and over. He hadn’t stopped after the first orgasm, and had ignored her attempts to push him away, so he could drive her past the hypersensitive point and make her come again.
She thought that was when she’d dug her nails into his skin, scratching as a way of grounding herself, while her body was overwhelmed with too much sensation. She hadn’t really been rational at that point; it had all been a primal instinct.
She liked seeing the scratches on him now and was tempted to lean over and lick the marks, but she didn’t want to startle him awake again. It seemed to be okay as long as she didn’t touch him while he slept. He didn’t even stir when her phone started to ring again
She slid out of bed carefully and began the search. She found it under his pants, and saw that it was her mother. She answered, as she stepped out into the hall to avoid waking him.
“Honey! I’m so sorry. I completely forgot we moved the key. We were out on the boat all day, and when we came back, wecrashed. I didn’t see your messages until just now. Were you able to find the key?”
“Hi mom, um no, I never found it. I climbed in through the bathroom window though, so it’s all good.” All good, except she’d probably never forget the trauma of being wedged in the window.
“That’s on the list to be fixed, but we’ve had so much to do I just haven’t gotten around to it. I’m glad you were able to get in though. Sorry, I forgot. It’s just well, things have been hectic, and I wasn’t expecting you.”
“It’s okay. Where’s the key now? I don’t want to leave the house unlocked when I go out.”
“Oh, we got one of those little fake rocks. You know the kind with the hiding place inside? It’s in the flowerbed, left side of the back porch.”
“Got it… so, uh wow, lot of changes around here huh?”
“Yes, we’ve been working on it all year. It’s been so long since you’ve been home, I forgot you hadn’t seen any of it.” A second and then, “Oh no! I forgot to tell you about your bedroom, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, that was a shock.” She was still upset about it, but trying not to be.
“I’m sorry. Listen, don’t worry. I didn’t throw anything out. It’s all boxed up in the attic. We just needed to get the room cleared out.”
“How come? I mean, are you turning it into a guest room, or something?” There was a third bedroom they’d always used for that, so it didn’t make much sense.
“Ah. I was going to tell you.” There was silence. It went on for so long that Jamie started to worry they’d been disconnected.
“Mom? You there.”
“I’m here. It’s just not a conversation I wanted to have on the phone. I’d planned to tell you the next time you visited.”
A little ball of worry started to grow. “Tell me what?”
“Don’t be upset honey, but the thing is… Jerry has a house too, and there really isn’t much sense in us each having one. We’ve been wanting to move in together for a while, so I decided to sell mine. We can do a lot with the money.”
It hit her like a blow to the stomach and her breath caught in her throat. This time the silence was on her end.
“Jamie? Are you upset? Oh, this isn’t how I wanted to tell you.” Her mother’s voice was fretful.
“I… it’s just a surprise, Mom.”
“I really think it’s for the best. It’s a little too big for me alone, and you hardly ever come home anyway.”
Well, thathadbeen true. Things were different now that Oliver was here. She had, or at least it seemed like she was going to have, more reasons to come home. “I understand, mom. I guess that makes sense.”
“It will be a great starter home for a new family, a younger couple,” she said.
Jamie’s mind whirred. She thought suddenly of the hefty savings she’d been putting aside, and her recent decision to use it to change the course of her life. She thought about how much she disliked her current job and how she now had more reason to be here.
“Hey, Mom? What were you thinking of asking for the house?”
“Oh, I’m not sure yet. We’re still working on getting repairs done, and fixing things up so we can get an appraisal. Why?”
A slow grin slid across Jamie’s face. “I think I have an idea…”
The End