Keeping Naomi
Becca Jameson
A year ago…
“Hey, man. How’re things going on your side of the country?” I ask my best friend, Ricardo, who lives over two thousand miles away in Indiana. I haven’t spoken to him in over a month, which is unlike us. We’ve been close for over twenty years.
“It’s going well. When the hell are you going to come out and visit?”
I lick my lips and stare out the window of my Seattle apartment.Think, man. “Yeah, fuck. It’s been so long. Work’s been brutal. When I took this job, I didn’t realize how many people would need the private security services Black Blade Protection provides.”
“You’re really working that many hours? Dude, you have an Army pension. You should relax, enjoy life. Come out here for a few weeks. The fresh air will clear your head. All that smog in Seattle has gotten to you.”
I chuckle. “You’re probably right. My schedule is super tight right now, but I’ll see what I can do in a few months. How’s the farm?” I say to change the subject.
I’m a fucking asshole.
“The farm is fine. I never thought I’d be out in the middle of nowhere, raising a daughter and working on a farm when I retired from the Army, but life throws punches, and we have no choice but to roll with them.”
“Speaking of daughters, how’s Naomi?” I try to keep my voice light. It would be weird if I didn’t ask about Ricardo’s daughter. She’s his entire world and the best thing that ever happened to him.
“She’s good.” His tone is off.
I stiffen. “You don’t sound convincing. She moved back home this month, right? After graduation?” I didn’t even go to Naomi’s college graduation because I’m a dick.
Ricardo sighs. “Yeah. I don’t know, man. She’s… How did she get all grown up?”
My breath hitches. I’ve been asking myself that question for a few years now. Naomi. Shit. She was a cute kid with dark pigtails and sky-blue eyes. We used to take her camping and to amusement parks in the summer. She was always a good kid.
And then I showed up the summer she turned twenty, and everything was different. She wasn’t a kid. She was an adult. And fuck me…
“What’s going on, Ricardo?”
“Yeah, well, she… She knows about us. Apparently, she followed us to the club when you were visiting for her twentieth birthday.”
I wince. All the blood drains from my head. Naomi knows… How much does she know? “What does she know exactly?” I think back to that night, the club… The women we met… Fuck.
“Everything.” Ricardo sighs. “She only recently told me. I had no idea. She’s been acting strange lately, and I finally confronted her. She says she watched us that night and has been exploring the kink ever since. Says she’s decided she’s Little and wantsto find a Daddy. Now that she’s told me, she says a weight has lifted, and she feels free to change her bedroom and be more open about her Little. She’s painted the room pink and filled it with stuffies.”
I stop breathing.
That’s…mind-boggling enough, but the thought of her with a Daddy makes my hair catch on fire. I want to get on the next plane to Indiana, shake some sense into her, and lecture her until she goes back to being the sweet young girl I knew when she was five.
I have no right. And the last thing I want Ricardo to ever know is how fucking hard my cock is at the thought of Naomi wearing a cute dress barely long enough to cover her bottom, her amazing tits pressed against the front of it, her nipples puckered and demanding attention.
“I know it’s shocking,” Ricardo continues, “and I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to tell you this over the phone, but you deserve to know.”
“How…” My voice trails off, mostly because I’m about to choke on this information.
“She followed us to the club, filled out the paperwork, and came in like any other patron. Apparently, she stuck to the shadows, watched us, and didn’t say anything.”
She was twenty, a grown adult, plenty old enough to visit a BDSM club and practice whatever kink she’d like to explore. Except she’s Naomi, and the thought of her practicinganykink makes my chest tight.