The kind that said,I can give you multiple orgasmswith just one look.
The other men were checking her out, too, but not the same way he was. There was an intensity to his gaze that made her legs tremble and her pussy perk up.
They reached the table as the men opened up to make room for them, Claudia sadly taking the position between Naomi and the hottie whose gaze was calling her name.
“Everyone, this is Naomi. Naomi, this is Mason, Jenson, David, and Drew.” Claudia pointed to each of the men in turn, starting with the one wearing a suit and ending with the hottie. He smiled at her, his gaze still eating her up.
“Hello, Naomi,” he said, reaching his hand across Claudia. Naomi reached out to take his, but instead of shaking it, he bent down to kiss the back of her knuckles. She felt heat flush her cheeks.
It should have been cheesy, but somehow, he made it hot as hell. At least to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Claudia rolling her eyes, but that didn’t stop Noami’s body from responding to his touch.
“Hello, Naomi,” said the man on the other side of her—Mason. He also picked up her hand and brought it to his lips.
Also hot. But somehow, without the same body-tingling effect that Drew had on her.
“Well, that’s not fair. We can’t reach her over here,” Jenson said, scowling, which made her laugh. She pulled her fingers away from the two men, but her right hand still tingled from where Drew had touched her.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” Although she felt a little bit like a gazelle being served up to a group of hungry lions. They were all so totally focused on her. Talk about unnerving.
Thankfully, it didn’t look like Claudia was going to be leaving her side any time soon.
“Can I get you a drink?” David, the redhead, asked, causing the rest of them to all glare at him.
Naomi had to giggle. It wasn’t every day a girl had four incredibly hot Doms competing for her attention.
“Just water, thank you.” If she did decide she wanted to take one of them for a spin around the block, she wanted to be fully sober when she made that choice. And she was thinking it was going to be a ‘yes’ if Drew made the offer.
Possibly one of the others, too… but he was the one she wanted.
Smiling, David turned away to go to the bar and get her a glass of water.
“So, tell us about yourself,” Mason said, jumping in immediately. He leaned one elbow on the table, his focus entirely on her. On the side of Claudia, she could see Drew glare at him for a moment before his expression evened out. “Scary didn’t tell us much other than she’s known you since high school.”
“Scary?” Naomi asked, glancing at her friend, who seemed unperturbed by the nickname even though it didn’t seem entirely complimentary.
“My call sign.” Claudia smirked. “We get in the habit of using those instead of names.”
“It did feel weird to have you call me Jenson,” Jenson admitted.
“What do you all usually call each other?” she asked, just as David rejoined them, passing her a glass of water across the table. She smiled at him. “Thank you.”
“That’s Ginger.” Mason tipped his head at the redhead in leather, who grinned wider. “Jenson is Baby, Drew is Sporty, and I’m Posh.” At her expression of bewilderment, he laughed. “When we first visited a club all together, a sub called us the Spice Doms for some reason, and it stuck.”
Huh. Actually, she could see it. Jenson was definitely the baby of the group. Mason was dressed up and posh. David was both a ginger and had that kind of badass ‘devil may care’ attitude she’d always associated with Ginger Spice. Claudia was admittedly scary when she wanted to be. Drew… well, he kind of resembled a linebacker. It didn’t hurt that he was also wearing jeans, like Jenson, but somehow managed to appear older and more confident, wearing a black t-shirt that fit his muscular body like a glove.
“I’m not sure I can call any of you those names.” Not without laughing every time, at least, which Doms usually frowned on being laughed at when addressed.
“We don’t expect you to. That’s why I introduced them with their real names,” Claudia said, giving Mason a look. He shrugged, unrepentant.
“Does she know that the subs call you Mistress Scary?” he asked her.
“I actually did know that,” Naomi said before Claudia could answer. “I just thought it was for other reasons.”
The men all cracked up, though Jenson appeared a little confused as well. Claudia grinned.
“Well, we weren’t all that interested in talking about Claudia anyway,” Mason said. “Tell us about you.”
Talk about a tall order. Naomi regarded him with amusement.