“What do you want to know?”
For the next half hour, she talked and flirted. Mason and Drew were the most engaged. David seemed to realize pretty quickly that the spark wasn’t there, though he enjoyed needling his fellow teammates and undermining their efforts to flirt with her. Jenson tried to keep up, but he was the youngest in more than just age. She could tell he wasn’t as experienced a Dom.
Chances were, even if she was interested, she would end up running right over him. Not a good experience for either of them. So she was not at all insulted when a pretty blonde sashaying by the table caught his eye, and he excused himself. Nicola should be just his speed—sweet, obedient, and not looking for much more than a pleasurable spanking and orgasm.
Not long after Jenson bowed out, David followed, though not for a particular submissive. He seemed ready to go on the prowl. That left her with Mason and Drew competing for her attention while Claudia watched Drew with narrowed eyes. Which Naomi found interesting since she would have pegged Mason for being the bigger flirt.
Maybethatwas why. Drew didn’t seem like he was trying to win because he wanted to get one over on Mason or to win the competition—he seemed like he was trying to win because he wantedher.It didn’t hurt that they had more in common, too. Taste in movies, taste in music, taste in books. Mason’s abilityto be part of the conversation was waning until he finally sighed and gave in.
“Naomi, it was lovely meeting you,” he said, holding out his hand. He didn’t kiss it this time, just held it and smiled warmly. “I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you have a great rest of the night.”
She smiled back at him. “I intend to. Thank you.”
The appreciation was for more than his wishes to her. He’d helped make her feel good. And if Drew hadn’t been there, she would have had no hesitation in negotiating a scene with him. It would probably have been a really good one, and he was hot as hell.
But there just wasn’t the same natural chemistry that had popped into existence the moment she’d laid eyes on Drew. As Mason moved away, she glanced over at Claudia. They’d known each other for long enough that Claudia knew what she wanted.
Her friend sighed and mumbled something that Naomi couldn’t quite hear. She was pretty sure Claudia said the word ‘dating,’ though.
Naomi wasn’t ready to go that far, but… if he asked, she wouldn’t say no. Had she only intended to find a one-night hook-up? Yes. That was before she’d met Drew. However, she wanted to take him for a test drive first.
“Okay, you two, have fun. I’ll be keeping an eye out, though.” Claudia hopped down from the bar stool she’d dragged over to sit on while they were all talking. She gave Naomi a hug. “Good luck.”
That last bit felt kind of loaded, but Naomi didn’t question it as Claudia moved away. She turned her attention to Drew, who grinned at her.
“Alone at last,” he said, reaching across the table to take her hand in his. His fingers were warm compared to hers, which were cool and wet from where she’d been touching thewater glass. Heat sizzled through her from where they touched, straight to her pussy, her chest tightening, nipples feeling suddenly much more sensitive against the stiff fabric of her corset. “I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I am very okay with that.” She grinned at him, moving a little closer. His gaze dipped momentarily down to her cleavage, which he now had an even better view of, then up to her face again.
“I want to scene with you.”
“I would like that, Sir.” Were they moving faster than she normally would? Absolutely. The chemistry between them was not going to be denied, so why bother trying? Plus, who knew how long she had. Sometimes, Claudia and her team deployed really unexpectedly. “Was there anything in particular you were hoping to do tonight?”
Out of all the things they’d talked about so far, they hadn’t gotten to their kinks yet. Naomi considered herself pretty basic. Some bondage, some spanking, lots of orgasms. She liked to submit to a man who knew what he was doing and who was going to take care of her. It was a load off from all the troubles and worries that constantly pinged around her brain.
Drew ran his hand up along her arm, down past her shoulder to her hips, his other hand coming up to slide along her other hip, fingers curving around them so he could pull her against him. Her head tilted back so she could keep looking up at him, heart beating rapidly in her chest as she felt the bulge of his erection press against her lower stomach.
“Right now, I’d really like to kiss you,” he said.
“Are you waiting for Claudia to sign you a permission slip?”
She left off the ‘Sir’ honorific this time to give him a little push. Laughter danced in his dark eyes, though his expression turned to one of admonishment.
“Bratting is a spankable offense, naughty girl.”
“All I hear is ‘blah, blah, blah, I wanna touch your butt.’”
He stared at her for a moment, then a very slow, very dangerous smile crossed his lips. The kind that said she was in big, big trouble. Naomi’s pussy fluttered in anticipation.
“Oh, sweet girl, you are going to be a handful, aren’t you?”
Before she could answer him, his lips descended on hers, and he devoured her with their first kiss.
Chapter Three