“She is bringing her friend, and you can flirt, but touch at your own risk,” Ginger replied. Their captain’s red hair had meant he’d automatically been assigned the name Ginger when they’d been called the Spice Doms. “Claudia said she’s still tender from her recent breakup.”
“Well, I don’t plan on dating her,” Posh murmured in reply, bringing his beer to his lips to take a sip. His gaze was still scanning the club, taking in everything and everyone, cataloging them.
“I could,” chimed in Baby. He was the youngest on the team and the greenest, still all bright and shiny and new. At least in comparison to the rest of them. He was also new to the club, this being his first time visiting. “I’m not scared of Scary.”
“You will be after you see what she does to the men here,” Drew said. Poor Baby was in for a shock tonight. Scary had taken him under her wing when he’d joined the team. Once he saw what she liked to do to a man’s cock and balls, he was probably never going to be able to get that image out of his head.
Drew sure as hell couldn’t.
Even the thought made him want to shudder and cup himself protectively.
Though he had to admit, his reaction only partially stemmed from what Scary liked to do—the other part was due to how damn gleeful she was about it.
“There she is,” Posh said, sitting up. “And damn. Look at that cutie.”
Something tingled along the back of Drew’s neck, a little frisson of awareness before he even turned around. It was like the universe was whispering in his ear—pay attention, this is important.
Twisting around in his seat, when he found Scary coming through the crowd and saw the woman just behind her, he froze.
She was gorgeous.
Rich, tawny skin and dark brown hair she’d left natural and piled on top of her head so that her neck and shoulders were left bare. The sage green corset she was wearing pushed her breasts up high, the flesh jiggling as she sashayed after Scary, a short, flirty skirt of darker green swaying around her thighs with eachstep. The little beige sandals she had strapped onto her feet were decorated with green bows that matched the corset.
Her chin was up, her gaze darting around the club. Looking for them? Or watching out for her ex?
And what kind of dumbass was stupid enough to let a woman like her go?
“Damn,” Baby said with a low, admiring whistle. “I could definitely date her.”
“You wish,” Drew said, elbowing him in the side. “That is way too much submissive for you. Leave her to the experienced.”
Baby scowled, but he didn’t get a chance to respond before Scary saw them and waved, reaching behind her to grab her friend’s hand and begin pulling her over. He was pretty sure the beauty had been looking for her ex, just from the way she jumped in surprise when Scary took her hand, then how she squared her shoulders and put a smile on her lips as she was led to them like a little submissive lamb to the slaughter.
Brave girl.
Damn. He wanted her.
The immediate attraction he felt to her was unusual. Yes, he’d seen a woman and found her attractive before, but not like this. The moment he’d laid eyes on her, he’d known he wasn’t going to want to just look—he wanted to touch… and so much more. Scary’s possible wrath be damned. It would be worth it.
She would be worth it.
There was one thing that might work against him, though. He hoped she wasn’t averse to calling him Daddy.
Chapter Two
She saw James the moment she walked into the Outlands, surrounded by a little group of submissives all vying for his attention. Pursing her lips, Naomi studiously kept her gaze averted, smiling at Claudia as if she hadn’t seen him there. As if she couldn’t feel his eyes on her, watching her as she followed Claudia through the club, waving to the people she knew along the way.
Talk about a good distraction – it was a damn fine collection of men Claudia was leading her toward. A diverse one, too. Her own personal “choose your own adventure”.
The man farthest from her, on the opposite side of the bar table they were grouped around, was white—pale white—with red hair, broad shoulders, and a cocky grin that he cast her way as she approached behind Claudia. He wore a leather vest that hung open to reveal an excessively muscled chest.
Beside him was a younger man—at least, Naomi assumed he was younger because he had a total baby face despite his square jaw. His combination of light brown skin and facial featuresmade her think he was probably Filipino. He was not in club wear; he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the bat signal on it.
The man on the other side of him, who turned to face her and Claudia, was only a little lighter skinned than him, with black hair and eyes. He wore a suit with a crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, his glasses giving him a distinguished appearance.
It was the last man who drew her attention the most, and not just because he was the tallest or because he was also black. There was just something about him. The way his gaze moved over her when he turned to look at her and Claudia, the aura that surrounded him, or maybe just his confident sex appeal. He was the kind of man who just looked like he knew what he was doing.