Page 86 of Daddy, Sir

Yes Sir, Daddy Sir

Golden Angel

Chapter One


“It is time to stop moping and go get laid.” Claudia made the announcement as she planted herself between Naomi and the television, cutting off her view of Viola Davis in all her glory. Naomi scowled, scrambling for the remote so she could hit the pause button while simultaneously glaring at her friend.

“I’m starting to regret letting you stay here between deployments,” she whined. It wasn’t supposed to come out whiny—it was supposed to come out firm—but… well, she was whiny lately. She had good reason. “I thought friends were supposed to let friends wallow.”

“You’ve been wallowing for two weeks over a shithead who doesn’t deserve two hours,” Claudia said, shaking her head. The high ponytail she’d put her long dark hair in bounced around with the movement. “He knew what kind of job you had when you got together. He just didn’t like that you didn’t make him the center of your world.”

“I’m not ready to date again.” Naomi crossed her arms over her chest, still clutching the remote in one hand. She’d planneda nice night of watching television. Just like she had for the past two weeks.

Claudia rolled her eyes, which were so dark, they were almost black. Her stance shifted subtly. Ah, crap. She was going into Domme mode.

“No one said anything about dating, chiquita.” Despite the endearment, Claudia’s tone was firm. She was kind of scary when she got into her dominant headspace.

When Claudia got bossy, it was hard to resist following her orders. When she went into Domme mode, it was damn near impossible. Naomi couldn’t even find it in her to brat the way she normally would. It was a Claudia-specific reaction, completely nonsexual, and she’d never quite figured out why Claudia was an exception to so many of her reactions.

She huffed, knowing this was a losing battle, yet still feeling the need to attempt a fight.

“So, you think I should just go slut it up?”

Claudia raised one elegant eyebrow at her. “If that’s what it takes. What I do know is that you need to get out of this house. I do know you need an orgasm. I do know that my team of very hot men is going to be at the Outlands tonight, looking for hook-ups.” Lifting one hand in the air, fingers curled into a loose half fist, Claudia nonchalantly inspected her nails. “I also know that a certain Master James is going to be there tonight as well.”

“You’re going to let me meet your team?” Naomi perked up. She and Claudia had been friends since high school, and Claudia had joined the army almost immediately after. Eventually, she’d been shifted into special forces. Despite their long years of friendship, Claudia had been determined to keep her two worlds separate, and Naomi had respected that.

She hadn’t even known the rest of Claudia’s team was kinky. It was something Naomi had discovered about herself in college, and she’d brought Claudia to a club with her betweendeployments. Protective and suspicious at first, it had not taken Claudia long to realize she was not only into the scene but that she was a dominant.

“Not all of them,” Claudia admitted, dropping her hand down now that she was sure she had Naomi’s attention and didn’t need to pretend to be nonchalant. “About half of them. The kinky ones.”

“And they’re all hot?”

“They’re all hot.”

“And James is going to be there?” Douchebag James, who couldn’t handle being dropped for an actual fucking emergency. It burned that he’d dumped her over her job when she should have been the one to dump him. Sure, he’d been an amazing boyfriend in a lot of ways, spoiling the crap out of her, an absolute beast in bed, and a total caretaker… but he couldn’t handle it on the occasions when her job came first.

Flirting with a bunch of hot Doms while he sat there and thought about everything he was missing out on by dumping her would feel good. Even better than a television binge with ice cream.

Claudia smiled, a wicked gleam in her eye. “James is definitely going to be there.”

Pressing her lips together, Naomi only needed half a second to think about it. She tossed the remote down on the couch cushion beside her.

“Son of a bitch, I’m in.”


The Outlands wasn’t too crowded for a Friday night. On the other hand, they were there fairly early. Despite the varied age range of the members, kink clubs seemed to have the same hours as night clubs—and Outlands was both.

Here on the lower floor, he could hear the throbbing bass from the dance club above them. By day, the main floor of the Outlands was a bar and restaurant. By night, it turned into a dance club. He’d only been able to visit a couple times before, but he liked the place.

“So, Claudia is bringing her friend tonight?” Posh asked. Posh’s real name was Mason. The first time the five of them had come to the Outlands, some naughty sub had nicknamed them the Spice Doms for some reason, and it had stuck once they’d gotten back out in the field and sorted out who was who.

Posh was posh. Posh charm, posh manners, posh clothes. He was wearing a suit, though he had taken the tie off and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. Whenever they were on leave, he dressed up as if he was taking advantage of missed opportunities. Pushing his glasses up his nose, Posh wasn’t paying attention to the rest of them. He was looking around the club as if he was trying to spot his next target. You could take the spotter out of the field, but you couldn’t take the field out of the spotter.

Drew doubted he’d be sharing his target with Scary tonight, though. Not that she’d be interested in whatever lady he was after. Scary would occasionally scene with a woman, platonically, but she preferred men.