“Wanna take another breath?”
God, I loved this woman!
Chapter Thirteen
We seldom stayed over at my house, but if Landon had insisted I wait until we got back to his place, I would most likely have spontaneously combusted despite the drenched panties I’d been wearing for hours. Thankfully, he didn’t. In fact, we never even made it to the bedroom.
After kicking the front door closed, he slid me down his body which only made my pulse thrum harder. I needed him naked almost as much as I needed to come. I had his t-shirt pushed halfway up his chest when the button on his jeans called to me. I released the shirt and started fumbling to undo his jeans.
“Babe, you’re whimpering.”
“Daddy, help me, please!”
I don’t think I’d ever been so needy, so greedy, but I knew I was seriously in danger of having an out-of-body experience. Evidently there was something in my voice that spoke a language that turned my Dom into my Daddy because he instantly stilled my hands with one of his and lifted my chin with the other.
“I’ve got you. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard. You’ve done a great job, Fee. Fire?—”
“Don’t you dare!” I said, breaking most every rule of a submissive by not only yelling that in his face, but by slapping my hand over his mouth as if to assure he’d not complete that word.
He probably broke some rules as well, or at least ignored them, because instead of going all Dom on me, he reached up and gently pulled my hand down.
“Baby, tell me what you want.”
“I don’t want to stop playing, I-I just need you naked.”
“You needmenaked?”
The hint of disbelief was enough for me to wonder if perhaps I had taken one step too deep into that rabbit hole. “Please, Daddy?”
“Okay, okay.” With those two words, he pulled his shirt over his head and kicked off his shoes. His fingers were far more dexterous than mine had been, the button barrier easily removed. The sight of his jeans beginning their descent triggered my urge to follow.
I began to strip, tearing at my clothes that were suddenly too tight, too confining. I had no clue what to call how I felt, but the thing that I thought closest to the truth was how I imagined a man felt when the moon was full and his body began to change into that of a wolf. A desperate need to howl, to run, to hunt they couldn’t control. Perhaps it was my utter trust in Landon as my Dom, or my training as a submissive, or maybe the fact I was afraid if I touched anywhere near that area, my fingers would be the spark that started a conflagration I wouldn’t be able to extinguish. Whatever the reason, when I stood in only my panties, I couldn’t continue. Instead, I opened my arms and my gloriously naked, incredible Daddy stepped into them.
He didn’t pick me up as I expected. Instead, he took my hands and, as he dropped to one knee, he placed them on his shoulders as if understanding I had to touch him, had to feel my flesh against his. There were no teasing words as he began to lower my panties which weren’t damp, they were sopping wet. As he drew them down my legs, I shuddered. Not because they were icky, though, believe me, they most definitely were, but because the air brushing against the wetness of my inner thighs and over the heat of my core felt as cold as ice.
“So hot.”
Landon’s word had me afraid of looking down. Fear of what I’d see had me whimper.
Evidently more in touch with me than I was myself, Landon stood and this time, he did pick me up. He carried me not to the couch but to the dining room. He didn’t pull out a chair to sit, simply pushed one aside with his body in order to set me on the table’s edge. My legs that had automatically wrapped around his waist released but didn’t fall. His grip held them open. When his fingers stroked over the moisture coating my inner thighs, I trembled but couldn’t help but look down. Half expecting to see smoke roiling from between my legs, what I saw instead was the darkened color of my curls that told me just how very drenched the toy I could partially see protruding from my pussy had made me when it had begun to pulse and thrust simultaneously inside my sex and ass every time my Daddy Dom has pushed the remote in his pocket.
The one now in his hand.
I hadn’t noticed that while he was indeed naked, he had retrieved the remote from his jeans. What I had no problem seeing was his cock was not only rock hard, it was bobbing a bit as if it were attempting to show its owner the direction it wished to go. I had no problem being the magnetic north the needle onthat compass was seeking if it meant getting this damn toy out of me and my Daddy’s cock as deeply inside my body as it could get.
Reaching down, I wrapped my fingers around his cock. “This. I need this, Daddy.” I didn’t care about remembering my manners or being agood girleither. In case he didn’t get the urgency of that need, I tugged on his shaft, attempting to pull him closer as I dropped my other hand between my legs.
“This”—a tug on his beautifully hard erection—“here”—a gesture to my very needy, very hungry pussy—“now!”
The familiar rumble of Landon’s laughter belied the look of lust in his eyes. “You want my cock?”
My intended tug for emphasis was thwarted when the hand not holding the remote moved to cover it.