Page 76 of Daddy, Sir

“Oh, babe, you have no idea.”

I’d been patiently waiting for the perfect time to launch the first salvo. The minute Zeke asked for a beer and Fiona bent to open the red cooler, I hit the switch. I almost blew my cover when she shot up as if she’d been impaled.

“Whoa, you okay?” Zeke asked, reaching out to steady her.

“Uh… uh, I-I’m fine,” Fiona said, “just a cramp.”

Zeke flipped open the cooler only to shut it and open the white one next to it. He withdrew a bottle of water and twisted off the cap. “Here, drink this. You’ve probably been drinking nothing but coffee and are dehydrated.”

I could see the slight tremble of Fiona’s hand when she took the bottle. As she lifted it to her mouth, I hit the switch, killing the power. I’d been present when she’d been surprised while drinking and I didn’t want to risk her choking.

“Thanks, Zeke.”

“No worries,” Zeke said, grabbing a beer and looking over to me. “Landon, want a beer?”

“No, but I wouldn’t turn down a bottle of water.”

“I’ll get it,” Fiona said.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek when she shot daggers at me while slowly and rather awkwardly attempting to open the cooler’s lid without bending. Zeke gave her a look but didn’t say anything, simply opened the cooler and dug out another bottle, handing it to her.

“Seriously, Fiona. If you continue cramping, drink some pickle juice.”

“I’ll do that,” she assured him with a sweet smile before walking toward me.

When she was within reaching distance, I grabbed her and pulled her to my side. “Do you need to safeword?”

“No, but you could warn a girl.”

I laughed. “And ruin the fun? Sorry, babe. Anticipation is the name of today’s game.”

She looked up at me and then at the hand in my pocket. “I take it back, Daddy. You are definitely not boring.”

“Awww, thanks, Fee, that means a lot to me.”

Slapping the bottle of water down on the grill’s table, she pulled out of my hold. “Meanie though? That is yet to be decided.”

I grilled steaks and served them up with corn and slices of sausage. I served skewers of jumbo shrimp and mushrooms to the girls, and though I’m sure I ate at least part of what I’d cooked, I honestly couldn’t have told you what it was. What I do remember is how much fun it was to tease Fiona. She became pretty good at hiding her reaction every time the first jolt hit her and had almost foiled my plan when I became so absorbed in watching her face that I almost missed the slight arch of her back that was my girl’s “tell”. Another two seconds and she’d have creamed those little panties.

Judging by the look Audra shot me, I had a pretty good idea she’d caught onto the game. Seeing as she was a Switch, I was also pretty sure she’d be asking at least one of us what toy she might want to look into buying.

The afternoon began to wind down and people stayed to help clean up. The sun was just dipping below the horizon when the last car drove away. Fiona and I stood on her porch and waved until the taillights disappeared.

“This was a great idea, babygirl. Everyone had a good time.”

“I’m glad.” Fiona turned toward me and lifted her hands to grip my shirt. “But if you don’t let me come in the next two minutes, I’m not going to be held responsible for what I do!”

All it took was a dip of my knees to have her over my shoulder. “I don’t know, there is that whole ‘meanie’ business that has yet to be resolved.”

“You must have heard me wrong. I didn’t mean ‘meanie’ in a bad way. I meant youmeanso much to me. I just know how much you appreciate efficiency so I shortened it… like the military does with codes for missions.”

“Ahhh, my bad then,” I said, not buying her story but giving her an A for creativity as I carried her into the house.

“Don’t worry, Daddy, I forgive you.”

I might have actually fallen for that but for the fact that I felt her fingers digging into my pocket. “It better be my cock you’re searching for because if it’s that remote, I guarantee, one little girl is going to discover what being hog-tied and edged all night long feels like.”

Her fingers instantly twisted to the right and stroked my dick through the denim. “Smart girl.” I smiled as I pulled her off my shoulder and let her slowly slide down my body. “Wanna play?”