Seriously, who knew a man like Daniel even existed? No one had ever looked at her like he did—like she was a fucking snack he couldn’t wait to devour. Sadly, he stopped touching her where she needed him the most.
“Why did you stop?” she asked.
“Did you want me to keep going?” He lifted her easily, making her feel small and dainty as he settled her crossways on his lap.
Sadie Windham dainty? In what universe?
The fabric of his jeans abraded her spanked bottom, but it was far from uncomfortable. Being naked while he was dressed made her feel even more submissive, and she…liked it.
And who knew she’d enjoy being spanked?
“I…” Her face heated, and she looked down at his muscular arm banded around her tummy. “Maybe?”
“Hmm.” His warm breath tickled her ear as he played with her navel piercing. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
“Probably not.” She turned in his lap to straddle him and gasped when her hardened nipples brushed the soft cotton of his shirt. “I like being a bad girl.”
Laughing softly, he shook his head, then pulled her tight against his chest. “I like you being a bad girl too.”
Instead of letting her reply, he twisted her braid around his fist and kissed her hard, stealing her breath as he plundered her mouth. He tasted like coffee and the lemon cake they’d eaten for dessert, and his kisses were better than she could have imagined.
The sting in her scalp from his tight grip on her hair only added to the pleasure coursing through her body.
“That’s right,” she whispered before nipping his bottom lip. “Slap my ass and pull my hair, Daddy Bear.”
“Bossy.” He tugged on her braid, forcing her to tilt her head back. “Maybe I should spank you again.”
“I can think of?—”
He kissed a path down her throat, and a moan escaped before she could stop it.
“Oh, god.”
Still kissing her, he stood, making her squeak with surprise. He turned and laid her on the bed, then knelt between her thighs. Taking her hands gently, he pressed them above her head, then said, “Don’t move.”
“Why not?” She lifted her hips, hoping he’d take the hint. “Telling me not to move makes me want to disobey.”
Smirking, he leaned down and bit her nipple hard enough to sting, then soothed the bite with tender kisses before straightening.
“Because if you move, I won’t eat your pretty pussy until you come for me.”
“Mean, Daddy Bear.” Sadie laced her fingers together above her head but couldn’t help wiggling. His order was just as she’d imagined the first time she heard him speak.
“Are you sure you want to be sassy?” he asked, drawing a gentle fingertip over her ribs until she flinched and giggled. “I can always spank you again.”
“That tickles, Daddy!” Unwilling to wait for him any longer, she tried to stop laughing and hold herself still. “I’ll behave.”
“Good girl.” He settled himself between her legs and kissed her inner thigh, the brush of his shadow beard against her skin making her quiver. “Very good girl.”
Sadie should have hated being called a good girl like that. She wasn’t a puppy and hadn’t given a shit about other people’s arbitrary value judgments in years.
Except… Hearing it from Daniel made her finally understood the ridiculous cliché about one’s stomach being filled with butterflies. Maybe it was the soft, raspy rumble coming from deep in his chest when he spoke, but he made it an endearment rather than an attempt to belittle her. Then again, if she was honest with herself, she liked it just as much when he called her a bad girl.
Who wouldn’t? Bad girls get spankings. Good girls get their pussies eaten.
Bet Daniel could do both at the same time. Win, win.
She tried to keep it inside, but she snorted and her laughter escaped.