Page 45 of Daddy, Sir

“And you’re a very good girl for keeping yourself safe.” He took the box from her and tossed it on the nightstand, then sat on the edge of the bed. “Undress for me. Slowly. I want you to tease me. Seduce me.”

Her cheeks turned pink, and she licked her lips. “Kind of thought you were a sure thing.”

“You have no idea,” he muttered under his breath. “Tease me. Give me a reason to spank that gorgeous ass and make you cry for more.”

“Maybe I should do a sexy striptease for Daddy.” She lifted the hem of her T-shirt, revealing her navel piercing.

“What a good idea.” He found a sexy playlist on his phone and started it.

“Good choice. I love vintage Motown,” she murmured, her hips swaying to the sultry rhythm. She lifted her shirt higher, giving him a glimpse of the lower curves of her breasts covered by a black sports bra.

His mouth watered for a taste of her, and he tightened his hands on the edge of the mattress, praying he could keep his dick from bursting through the crotch of his jeans.

“That’s right,” he finally said after clearing his throat. “You’re so damned beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Sauntering closer, she smiled and slowly eased her shirt over her head before dropping it on the floor. She kicked off her sneakers and shimmied her hips until her shorts joined her shirt. “You’re not so bad yourself, soldier.”

“I asked you to go slow, babygirl.”

“I know.” She unfastened her bra and tossed it at him, followed by her black panties. “But I think I’d like to be bad instead.”

“Bad girls get spanked.” Trying his best to keep his eyes on her face instead of her magnificent body, he caught the garments and set them aside. “Really bad girls like it.”

“Promises, promises.” She put her knee on the bed next to his hip, then squealed when he tugged her off balance and tossed her over his lap. “Hey!”

Sadie might have been familiar with the idea of a power exchange relationship, but he doubted she had any experience. He wasn’t about to push her during their first time together. He’d likely get introduced to her hammer if he did, and worse, he’d spoil what he hoped would last for more than one night.

He slapped her curvaceous ass—once, and just hard enough to sting—but not hard enough to hurt her. Her silky flesh bounced under his palm as a faint pink handprint blossomed.

“Ouch!” She lifted her torso off his lap and glared at him. “That hurt!”

“You poked the Daddy Bear. What did you think would happen?”


She cut herself off, and he gazed at her expectantly.

“You were saying, naughty girl?”

Biting her lip, she looked away, but he didn’t miss the pink coloring her cheeks. “Nothing,” she finally said.

“Good girl.” Daniel laid his palm on her shoulder and gently encouraged her to settle on his lap. Leaning close, he added, “Sadie if it really hurts, or you just want to stop, all you have to do is say red. Say yellow if you want a break. Okay?”

“And green if I’m good to go?”

“Perfect. And don’t wait for me to ask. If you don’t like something, tell me right away.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Slowly, giving her time to adjust, he delivered several spanks to the tender spot where her ass met her thighs, then squeezedher reddened bottom. He slid a hand between her thighs, making her moan and lift her hips in invitation as her wetness coated his fingertips. He swirled his finger around her clit, making her cry out and grind her pussy against him.

Hiding a smile, he tsked and laid his damp hand on her warmed backside. “It seems my naughty girl likes being spanked.”


Be careful what you wish for.

Her ass felt hot, and his scorching touch sent tingles of electric pleasure through her body as she inhaled the delicious scent of evergreen, spice, and warm male.