Page 187 of Daddy, Sir

But really. Was it anyone’s business if she wanted to know more about the auction? It sure as hell wasn’t this mysterious ‘Daddy B’s’ concern.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became with the whole situation. So that by the time Holden knocked on the office door in front of her, she was practically vibrating with righteous annoyance.

“Come in,” a voice called from the other side of the door.

Pushing the door open, Holden stepped inside, removing his hand from Frankie’s neck and placing it at the small of her back to nudge her forward. “You rang?”

The man behind the desk offered up a grim smile and Frankie just barely kept her jaw from dropping to the floor.

Braden Elliott, Lottie’s hot-as-fuck next-door neighbor, was the infamous Daddy B?

Lottie was going toflipwhen she heard about this.

“Apologies for interrupting your scene, my friend,” Mr. Elliott said, though he didn’t sound very sorry about it all in Frankie’s opinion. “I needed a word with your guest, and I didn’t think you’d be amenable to her being interrogated alone.”

The fury she’d been feeling standing outside his office came flooding back. “Interrogated? What the hell is your problem, Mr. Elliott?”

Her outburst earned her a glare from her Daddy. “Francesca. Quiet.”

Mr. Elliott narrowed his eyes, clearly trying to place her before his expression cleared and a look of surprise swept over his features. “Francesca. Frankie. Frankie Legare?”

“Yes,” Frankie snapped in response, crossing her arms and tilting her chin. Beside her, Holden let out a sound that could only be described as a growl and it took everything she had in her not to back down then and there. “Now, what the hell do you mean ‘interrogation’?”

“Francesca, mind your manners.”

Whipping her head up, Frankie matched him glare for glare. “My manners? I’m not the one going around threatening to ‘interrogate’ people!”

“To answer your question,” Braden interrupted, cutting off the tirade she’d been ready to launch. “I own this club. And I just have a few questions, then you can be on your way.”

“Fine.” Tossing her long ponytail over her shoulder, Frankie shifted her glare to the man behind the desk. “What do you want to know?”

“Where did you hear about the virgin auction?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

Holden’s hand moved from the small of her back to her neck, where he squeezed hard enough for her to suddenly realize she was being a complete and utter bitch. Which likely did not bode well for her ass.


A realization he confirmed with the next words out of his mouth. “Little girl, unless you want to answer Mr. Elliott’s questions with a red-hot bottom, I suggest you tone down the attitude. Now.”

“But Daddy?—”


Dammit. Getting spanked down in the pit had seemed exciting, even once he’d declared she’d earned her first publicpunishment. Being spanked here, in Mr. Elliott’s office felt far too intimate for reasons she couldn’t have explained if she’d tried. And far too embarrassing for words.

Which meant she really only had one option. “I heard about it from some of your employees,” she answered after a long, drawn-out silence.

“Who?” Mr. Elliott asked, his eyes narrowing.

“I don’t know,” she lied. Getting herself in trouble was one thing, but she’d be damned if she’d take the others down with her. “It was the first night Daddy brought me here, when you were reviewing my application. The girl at the front desk said she didn’t know why it was taking so long, and then some other girl came along and said it was because of the auction the club was running and then the front desk girl said she’d heard about it and how some girl got like, an insane amount of money for letting someone pop her cherry.”

“The girl at the front desk—short hair, buzzed on one side, currently some shade of blue I believe?”

Ah, shit. Was there only one front-desk girl? So much for not getting anyone in trouble. “Yes, that’s her,” she admitted reluctantly.

Mr. Elliott smiled approvingly, though it was tight at the edges in a way that told her he wasn’t altogether happy with her answers. “Thank you. One last question. Why were you asking around about the virgin auction?”