So his naughty little siren had taken a detour.
That’s going to cost you, little girl.
“Sorry!” Flashing a bright smile, Frankie hurried up the steps of the platform to stand in front of him. “I got a little turned around coming out of the bathroom.”
“I see.” Cocking his head to the side, he studied her for a moment before taking a slow, deliberate step forward.
Worry flickered in Frankie’s eyes, though she managed to keep her smile in place as he advanced on her.
“And that’s all? You didn’t leave the pit for anything?”
“Nope. Like I said, just got a little turned around.”
Sliding a hand around the back of her neck, he gripped her as firmly as he dared without possibly leaving bruises. More of that delicious fear came to life in her eyes, and his cock jerked painfully against the zipper of his pants in response. “I generally do not tolerate brats, little siren. But you amuse me, so I’ve been willing to let some of your behavior slide. There is, however, one thing I will never, ever tolerate from my submissive. Do you know what that is, Francesca?”
Her tongue darted out, a flash of pink wetting her lips as she swallowed audibly. “No, Daddy.”
“Lying.” He paused, giving the word time to land, giving her time to fully absorb the implications of what he’d just said. And he watched in delight as her expression turned from vague worry to something bordering on panic. “So, congratulations, little girl. You’ve just earned your very first public punishment.”
Eyes going round with a mixture of fear and excitement he found unbelievably intoxicating, Frankie jerked against his hold. “I didn’t lie!”
“You’re only making it worse on yourself by denying it. Now, tell Daddy why you went upstairs.”
“How did you know I—” Catching herself, she rolled her lips together. “I mean… What makes you think I went upstairs?”
“I have my ways.” Let her worry about that. Maybe if she thought he had spies in the club—which easily could, if he so chose—she’d be better behaved in the future. “Tell me why you disobeyed me, Francesca.”
“It sounds bad when you put it like that,” she said, her voice pitching up to a whine. “I didn’t mean to disobey, I just needed to talk to someone.”
“What was so important it was worth disobeying your Daddy for?”
“I had some questions about something. For a friend.”
Her chin jerked up, and despite the wariness he could still see in her expression, her eyes blazed with defiance. “It doesn’t concern you.”
“To the contrary, little siren. Everything you do is of great concern to me. You have about thirty seconds to tell me the truth or I will?—”
“Um, Master Holden? Sir?”
Closing his eyes against the irritation prickling his skin, Holden dragged in a deep breath. “Is there a reason you are interrupting my scene, Shane?”
“Yes, Sir. Daddy B wants to speak with you. He said to ask you and your guest to come to his office immediately.”
Braden wouldn’t ask him to come up if it wasn’t important. And yet, Holden was tempted to ignore the request until he’d dealt with his naughty little girl.
But one look at Shane’s earnest expression told him whatever Braden needed couldn’t wait. So he pushed his irritation aside and nodded. “We’ll head right up.”
“Awesome. Thanks.” Shane’s relief was a palpable thing as he hurried off, juggling his ever-present bag of candy corn in his hand.
“All right, little siren. It seems you’ve earned a bit of a reprieve. But once we get back down to the pit, you are going to learn a very hard lesson about disobedience and dishonesty.”
What a fucking mess she’d gotten herself into. Not only had she managed to piss off her Daddy, now they were being summonedto the head honcho’s office. And she couldn’t help but think it had something to do with the questions she’d been asking about the virgin auction.
She probably should have waited until she could get her targets alone, but she’d been so worried the right moment would never come along and she’d promised Lottie she’d get the information.