One eyebrow went up as he stared her down. “Nope. But you hadwaytoo much to drink. Your blood alcohol would be over the legal limit. So, there’s no way I’d let you drive.”
Jamie couldn’t hide the smirk. “Is that so?”
“You don’t want to be a brat about something like this, Jamie. Drinking and driving is…why are you laughing?”
She’d tried to hold back the laughter, but she just couldn’t. He stood there looking so serious as he worked himself up into a lecture. She couldn’t even answer him through the giggles pouring out.
“You want to let me in on the joke, brat?” He folded his arms across his chest and continued to stare at her.
It took her a minute to choke out an explanation. “Knew I’d be drinking. Took an Uber. My car’s not even here.” Every word was punctuated with snorting and snickering.
Oliver just sighed and closed his eyes. “And you couldn’t just tell me that because…”
She swiped tears of laughter off her cheeks. “I just wanted to see what you’d say. Did you really think I was going to drive after all those drinks?” That was honestly the truth of it.
She’d wanted to see if he’d get stern about it. Wanted to see if he’d wind himself up and start lecturing, and he had. “You’re so gullible.”
He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “You know, Jamie, that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble. You’re lucky I’m not in charge of you, or?—”
“Or what?” She tossed her hair back over her shoulder. Her chin jutted out in stubborn challenge. “What would you do if you were in charge?”
Oliver’s eyes seemed to darken into a deeper blue as they fixed on her. His gaze held weight, and she squirmed under it, waiting for him to speak. He left her dangling for a few seconds before he leaned in and said, in a low voice meant only for her, “I really wouldn’t ask me that, unless you want the whole unvarnished truth, Jamie.”
A shiver rolled through her and her panties instantly dampened. It was the growl in his tone, and the threat in the words combined that did it for her. But of course, after he’d said that, she had to push. “I want to know.”
“You sure about that?” He chuckled and shook his head. “We’re not kids anymore, Jamie. You used to drive me nuts in high school. Always pushing. Always playing pranks. Always talking back. I didn’t know what to do about it then, but trust me, that isn’t a problem now. I’ve been thinking about things I’d like to do to you for years.”
“Wait… are you talking about punishment, or—” She cut herself off before finishing. It had started off as a joke, but now she couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. And the way he spoke, it was almost like he was flirting, but it would be humiliating to assume that and be wrong.
“Or what? Spit it out, brat.”
She cleared her throat. “We were joking about punishment, but now it seems more like you’re talking about, uh, sex.” Therewas a tremble in her voice but there was nothing she could do about it.
“I wasn’t joking, and yes that too.”
Too. Her legs suddenly went weak and her heart seemed to shudder in her chest. “I…”
“Nothing to say, brat? Where are all those smart-ass remarks?”
“I-I just…”
This was not her best buddy from childhood. This wasn’t her high school crush. This was an Army officer who was used to being in charge, and suddenly she found herself without words.
“Still want to know what I’d do if I was in charge of you?” He was so close.
Their bodies were nearly touching, and she could feel the warmth of his breath across her skin. “Yes?” She hadn’t meant it to sound like a question, but it made sense, since she was no longer confident about her decision. Her insides fluttered and she was torn between excitement and some emotion she couldn’t name.
“Well then, if you were mine… that is, if I were in charge of you, I would keep that delightful ass of yours bright red at all times. Ever since I saw it framed so nicely in that window, I’ve been thinking how much I’d enjoy having you over my knee.”
“Gah.” It wasn’t even a word, just a strangled kind of gasp that pretended to be one.
“Tell me, Jamie, do you think you’d be such a brat if you got spanked every day? Or would it take more? Maybe a hard spanking, followed by a hard fucking, while your ass burns and throbs every time I pound into you?”
Something deep inside pulsed and the scrap of silk between her legs soaked through to an alarming degree. Her excitement would be trickling down her legs in a second. “You-I-I?—”
He watched her without comment. His gaze slid across her features like he was studying her reaction. “Sorry you asked now?”
“No,” she said, in a husky voice she barely recognized.