That seemed to please him, and his mouth turned up at one corner. “So, my brat has a kinky side. I wondered.”
Her eyes opened wide. Surprise colored her tone, “You-you wondered?”
“Hoped, I guess, would be the more accurate word.”
She just stared, her mouth hanging slightly open. “How did you know? You haven’t even seen me in years.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t know, but I put together the clues. I started thinking about the way you constantly pushed, and then seemed so disappointed when I didn’t react, or let someone else handle it.”
“I was just a kid. That didn’t mean anything…”
“We were both kids and I didn’t understand any of it at the time. But as an adult, out in the world, I learned a few things about myself. And when I started checking out the kink scene, I realized there were some people who acted up because they liked to be punished. Naturally, I thought of you.”
She swayed and his hand closed on her arm, bracing her.
“Careful there, sweetheart.”
“I’m not—I don’t… I mean, I’ve had fantasies, but I hadn’t had much chance to explore any of it.” She’d been spanked, mostly as foreplay, but never… punished. Not real punishment.
The idea of it was hot. It seemed weird, because she knew she wasn’t supposed to enjoy punishment, but that was part of why it was so sexy. It made no sense, but the fantasy… that fantasy had always been exciting.
He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything the door behind them swung up and Sara Ann pushed through with her arms full of boxes and decorations. She stopped short andgaped at them. “Are you two stillhere? For Pete’s sake, go on and have some fun!”
Jamie forced herself not to snarl at the interruption.Just when we were getting somewhere too.
“We’re going,” Oliver assured her. “Night!” He pulled Jamie over to his car and opened the door for her. “Get in quick, before she comes to give us in-depth instructions on what to do next.” It sounded like he was only half joking.
Jamie quickly slid into the front seat, but she’d been grateful for the interruption. She needed a minute, or twenty, to metabolize everything he’d said. It was an overwhelming amount of information to take in, considering she hadn’t even known if he was single a couple of hours ago.
And she was so fucking turned on.
She’d tried to tell herself that it was unlikely there would be any chemistry. That he was probably married. There was no reason to believe there would be anything between them.
She’d told herself that, even if all signs were positive, she wouldn’t expect more than a renewal of friendship. That anything more would be built slowly over time. She’d pictured more frequent trips home so they could slowly get to know each other again.
Apparently, she was a fucking liar. The worst kind of liar at that, since it was herself she’d been fooling. Now all she could think about was climbing him like a tree.
The car sank as he dropped into the driver’s seat. “Still feel like a meal?”
She was starving, but… “Actually… how would you feel about grabbing takeout and heading back to my mom’s house?”
One eyebrow slowly went up as he turned to look at her. “What happened to your mom’s rule?”
“I guess I’ll just have to break the rule, but my understanding is that you know how to deal with bad girls. Maybe you shouldpunish me for it.” She hadn’t planned to say it, and she certainly hadn’t intended the teasing sing-song voice, but she didn’t regret it.
He just looked at her and a slow smile spread across his mouth. As the seconds ticked by in silence, she grew nervous and shifted in her seat. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, and opened her mouth to say something, though she wasn’t sure what.
He got there first. “Is that your way of saying you’d like to try things with me in charge?”
It was, but she had a couple of questions before she committed. “Are you going to be bossy? Stern?”
His mouth twitched. “Probably. I’m a Dominant and that’s usually how it works.”
“Are you really going to punish me?” she asked, trying not to sound hopeful.
“If you need it.”
Jamie wasn’t sure if that meant he’d punish her if she acted up, or just that he’d do it if she needed him to. She decided the answer was probably just going to be ‘yes’ either way.