“A lot of vampires are entering the city. Some with connections to hostile families from other areas,” says Samuel. “Trying to keep track of them all is next to impossible.”
“You mean Lev’s people?”
“Among others.” Henry stares out at the crowd. “His sire was very unhappy at his failure to take L.A.”
“He hasn’t moved on from that yet?”
Rose smiles. “A few decades isn’t so long for some.”
“What happens next?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.
“We wait,” says Lucas. “There’s been no further sign of my brother. But Nicholas will leave us soon to continue hunting. It’s his job to flush him out.”
I just nod.
“Who’s the werewolf?” asks Henry.
Samuel runs his tongue over his teeth. “He’s here representing several packs. Most notably from the mountains in the north and the desert to the west.”
“Is that the owner of the amber eyes?” I ask. “That dude is huge.”
“The wolves want to see how we handle things,” says Lucas. “If Lev has let go of the idea of trying to take L.A., or if violence in the streets is about to escalate again.”
“Would they get involved if it did?” I ask
“I don’t know.” Lucas rests his arm along the back of the couch. He soon frowns when he realizes he can’t play with my hair because it’s tied back in a bun. But he settles for toying with the zip on the back of my dress. Because of course, he does. “And I don’t enjoy not knowing.”
“I hate waiting,” I say to no one in particular.
“It’s the worst part of politics,” agrees Samuel.
“You’re a man of action.” Rose plays with her ruby pendant. “But you know I reward your patience.”
“That you do, my love.”
“Oh, God,” sighs Henry dramatically. “Is this what I have to look forward to? Watching Father and Skye be all cutesy and making kissy faces at each other for centuries?”
“Shut up, Henry,” says Lucas without any heat.
“I heard a rumor that a faction of the wolves has expressed an interest in settling in the canyons,” reports Samuel.
“Is that so?” asks Lucas.
All of a sudden, Henry’s eyes widen, and he announces loudly, “Zofia, what a surprise!”
Nothing less than a goddess emerges from the crowd. Though, not an actual goddess. Long brown hair, white skin, pale blue eyes, and bone structure like a sculptor had a hand in her creation.
And Rose, Samuel, and Henry are suddenly behaving decidedly odd. Looking between me, Lucas, and the new arrival with a bit too much interest. I have such a bad feeling about all of this suddenly.
“Luca,” says Zofia in a husky voice. “It’s been a minute.”
“Indeed, it has been. How are you?”
“I’d be just perfect if you’d dance with me?” Her smile is both sensual and inviting. Even I want to dance with her. Dammit.
“Of course.” Lucas turns to me and says, “Back soon.”
My answering smile is as weak as can be. But it doesn’t matter, because he’s already gone. He holds up a hand to signal to someone, and immediately the music is changed. They hold each other close and sway on the spot to a song by Ella Fitzgerald. The whispered conversation they have is interspersed with affectionate looks and ready smiles. It’s obvious they know each other very well indeed.