I knew he had a history. And a long one at that. Guess I didn’t quite consider what it would be like to come face to face with the same. Zofia appears to be about a decade older than me, gorgeous and graceful. Anyone would forgive me for having a moment. He did, however, say he’d be back soon.
“Zofia and Lucas are old friends,” explains Rose with a sympathetic expression.
Henry, however, is not happy. “The truth, little sister, is that they were fuckbuddies from around the time we arrived in California to when Father decided to take his nap. Not quite a century.”
“Huh. That’s a long time.” My smile is small. “And to think he told me he was a virgin. I can’t believe he’d lie to me about something like that.”
Samuel’s laughter is soft and low. “Skye, did I ever tell you about the first time I took my lovely wife here out on a date? There I am, trying desperately to impress her, and we run into her ex. No less than a crown prince destined for the throne.”
“Only of a very small country. It hardly mattered at all.” Rose winks at me.
“I asked her why she didn’t want to be a queen, and she told me…”
Rose’s gaze is full of warmth. “Crowns are uncomfortable as fuck.”
“That’s true, actually.” Henry smiles despite himself. “Father has collected a couple over the years. A tiara isn’t too bad; though, they can pinch. But a full-on, gold-and-gemstone-laden crown…ugh. Such a headache, and the strain it puts on one’s neck.”
“I’m sure you looked stunning just the same.”
“Thank you, Rose. I did.” Henry turns back to watch the only couple dancing in the club. “Last I heard, Zofia had settled in Poland. I wonder what she’s doing here.”
Samuel shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
Henry gives me a long look. “Try not to worry, sweetie. Father might be a monster, but he is not a cheater.”
“We don’t have that sort of relationship, Henry.”
He doesn’t bother to reply.
“How are you all doing over here?” asks Leilah, sweeping in and sitting by my side. She watches Lucas and Zofia dancing for a minute. Then gives me a reassuring smile.
“Appease my curiosity, Leilah,” says Rose. “Why haven’t you broken off and become head of your own family?”
“Why spend my own money when I can use the old man’s?”
Henry laughs.
“This place, for instance.” She waves her hand at the room. “It will take many millions to renovate it to my exacting standards. And while Lucas will be paying the bill, I’ll be the one in charge and reaping much of the rewards. Of course, I share this information with you so honestly and openly because not only are you a dear friend to our family, but doubtless your mate has already been whispering in your ear about it.”
Rose’s smile is coy. “He whispers in my ear about a good many things.”
I swear Samuel blushes.
“If the old man ever cut the purse strings or we began to disagree, then we might have a problem,” says Leilah.
“That’s never going to happen.” Henry shakes his head. “You’re the only one of his children inclined to sire more vampires and train them to be useful. It’s why he made you heir.”
“Mm.” Leilah flips her hair back over one shoulder. The woman is the epitome of glamor. Her being heir is news to me. She seems a smart choice, however. “It’s good to have company, little brother. One day you might find a human you would prefer not to live without.”
“Doubtful,” says Henry.
The way I resist the urge to watch Lucas with all my might…someone should give me a medal. Or at least a cookie.
“Are you expecting a rush on turning newborns now that the rules are lifted?” asks Henry.
“That’s happened?” I ask in surprise.
Rose nods. “I don’t necessarily believe there’ll be a rush. Most of our kind have seen how much easier and less complicated life is with fewer of us around. But we’ll see. Reactions to us decreasing the patrolling of the city is a bigger concern.”