Page 51 of Because the Night

“And how exactly is he a lone wolf when he has you and the rest of the family?”

“I meant romance-wise,” he says. “Do try and keep up, sweetie. But to watch Father actually attempt to woo someone is…what’s the word?”

“No idea.”

Henry makes a humming noise. “Surprising. Absurd. Riotous. Something along those lines. Not that I don’t support the idea wholeheartedly, don’t get me wrong.”

“I’m not even convinced that wooing me is what he’s doing.”


“No,” I confirm. “He killed me. Not that his brother didn’t contribute to that situation.”

“I’m not saying it’s not complicated. But what relationship isn’t?” Henry sighs. “I highly doubt he would bother jumping in front of a bullet forme. Not that I don’t believe I’m a loved and valued member of this family. But still…I think you make the old man feel things he hasn’t experienced in a very long time.”

“He gets off on bossing me around.”

Henry snorts. “Did you seriously expect him to be a beta in the bedroom?”

“I don’t know.” If I frowned any harder my face would fall off. “I think you should mind your own business.”

“Are you truly so against the idea of entering into a romantic relationship with Father? That’s a pity.”


“Does him being a monster put you off? I understand the pulling out hearts and ripping off heads can be a lot.” Henry gesticulates wildly. “But, sweetie, it’s not like he does it for fun. Well. I mean, that’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy it occasionally. There was this one time in Bucharest…actually, I don’t think he would appreciate me telling you that story. And you know even if hefindsit fun, it’s not like he actuallydoesit for fun. You know, that doesn’t sound so great, now that I say it out loud. But my point is, I do believe that he mostly only does the heart and head thing when necessary.Mostly.”

I stare at him in wonder.


“Nothing,” I say eventually. “And I understand that sort of thing is all tied up in vampire politics and so on.”

“Exactly. What you need to remember is that he isn’t human. He hasn’t been for over a millennia. Your modern ways of thinking and how he sees the world are bound to clash upon occasion.”

“I suppose so.”

“Do you think Father incapable of maintaining such a relationship?”

I shake my head. “Honestly, I have no idea.”

“Or perhaps you believe yourself to be unworthy of his attentions? He is, after all, rich, handsome, and powerful. I know plenty who would gnaw off a limb for a chance with him.” He pauses and smiles. “Ha. That rhymed.”

My mouth opens, but nothing comes out.Shit.

“That was also a trick question,” says Henry, his voice rising in volume. “Little sister, how dare you put yourself down. I will not tolerate it!”

At which point, the bedroom door opens, and Benedict appears. His long blond hair is in a number of intricate braids, and he’s wearing a navy suit with a matching tee beneath. “What are you yelling about?”

“I am outraged. Outraged, I tell you. She doesn’t see that she is all things good and hot in this world.”

I groan loud and proud.

“You do not see your beauty?” Benedict gazes at me in surprise. “Skye, I don’t understand. The people of my village would have been greatly enamored of your bountiful breasts and childbearing hips.”

Henry stares at him in abject horror.

“What?” asks Benedict.