“Oh my God, Vikings,” says Henry. “You couldn’t just say something nice about her hair or eyes or something?”
Benedict frowns. “I was trying to be honest.”
“Wait,” I say. “Why aren’t you with Lucas?”
“Nicholas is with him,” reports Benedict. “You are the known target at the moment and your safety is of importance to Lucas. A successful attack on you would also make the family appear weak.”
“Right.” I finish off the blood bag. “I better get ready so we can go.”
“It should be interesting, if nothing else. They’re having a big party to celebrate him joining the board and our takeover of The Boulevard,” says Henry in his suit. “Father’s exact words were, ‘It is going to be a nice night with no drama where everyone gets along—or else.’”
Benedict grunts. “We’ll see.”
Leilah’s people stand security at the front doors of The Boulevard. A woman in business attire nods at us as we pass the reception desk. The hotel already seems different. Less dusty and decrepit. More alive despite many of the inhabitants being the undead.
Down in the subbasement level, the speakeasy is full to overflowing. A song by Billie Eilish pumps out of the sound system and waiters mingle carrying trays. There’s a choice between a martini glass of blood or a flute of champagne. All of the glasses are crystal, of course—vampires love luxe. This is a party the likes of which I have never seen. All manner of clothing is on show. Top hat and tails, a kimono, a lace gown, and a sari.
A pair of amber eyes watch me from the back of the room. Neither human nor vampire.
Henry nods to a person wearing a tall white wig and a wide ornate dress. “He’ll be wanting to hand out cake later. You know, one day Pierre will acknowledge that the French Revolution did, in fact, happen. This is the problem with many of our kind. They get stuck and time moves on without them.”
Leilah holds court near the bar with Margaret at her side. And over by the door to the back room is a selection of green velvet couches. There sits Lucas. His gaze captures mine as soon as I’m in view, and all of the good and sensible reasons regarding why I should stay away go straight out the window. Not that there are any windows down here.
In an act of sheer bravery, and to give my self-doubt a kick in the pants, I wore the hottest dress on offer from Henry’s selection. It is fire. A black gown with shoestring straps, a bodice that makes the most of my cleavage, and a full skirt with a split showing a lot of leg. My hair is in a sleek bun, and there’s a pair of sky-high stiletto heels on my feet. I even broke out the diamond earrings he gave me for the evening.
When Lucas stands and holds out a hand to me, I can maybe admit I dressed up for a few reasons. To get this reaction from him, being one of them. To have him look at me like nothing else matters.
I was wrong. Sleeping in a different bedroom didn’t change a thing. We seem to be on more of a collision course than ever. His grip is firm but gentle as he leads me to sit at his side. Not a word is spoken. There’s this strange accord between us. He wants me with him and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. That’s the truth of the matter.
He’s wearing another of those perfectly fitted black suits with a matching button-down with his hair slicked back. It’s a dark and dangerous sort of beauty. Nothing close to what I ever imagined for myself.
“So you are besotted with your newborn. If Samuel hadn’t told me, I never would have believed it,” says Rose, seated nearby with her husband. “Ripping off Archie’s head makes sense to me now.”
Samuel smiles knowingly and holds his mate’s hand.
“He challenged me,” says Lucas.
“You know how it is, Rose.” Lucas passes me one of the martini glasses full of blood. “Skye here has been helping me adjust to this new century. That’s all.”
“Bullshit,” she says in a voice not much above a whisper. “Your scent is all over her, and the way you watch her…Ihonestly didn’t think you were capable of the finer feelings. But I understand why you would wish to downplay it. We’ll talk of it no more.”
I scowl. “It’s not like I didn’t shower.”
Lucas doesn’t respond. He, instead, turns to Henry and grimaces. “I asked you to dress presentably tonight.”
“This is an Alexander McQueen graffiti suit, Father,” says Henry. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
Benedict joins Nicholas leaning against a wall nearby. Together they stand, talking quietly and watching the crowd. Nicholas is in black boots, pants, and a button-down with the sleeves rolled back. He doesn’t bother to hide the pistol he wears in a shoulder holster. I am not ashamed to say I am wary of the man.
And all the while we’re being watched. By vampires and humans and who knows what else. The weight of their gazes is a lot. I honestly don’t know how Lucas and Rose tolerate it—being the focus of attention everywhere they go.
“Ming and Lucia were unable to attend,” says Lucas. “But Javier dropped by earlier.”
Henry nods. “Not surprising, given what’s going on.”
“What’s going on?” I ask.