I’m barely aware that Sebastian gets up and leaves the room at some point during this, returning less than a minute later, because she feels so fucking good.
When her head tips back and she cries out with her release, her arms go slack, pressing her entire weight down onto my cock and I fucking lose it. I shudder so hard that I don’t even know how I’m still standing when my forehead finally falls forward, resting between her breasts as I hold her close to me.
We are both nearly gasping when it’s all over, trying to catch our breath.
The relief of the moment is overwhelming, and so fucking perfect.
Until I hear Leena exclaim from above me. “Sebastian! Did you order fucking room service?!”
I let out a chuckle that sounds more like a snort against Leena’s skin as I raise my head and turn to look at the man behind me.
Sure enough, Sebastian is sprawled out across the couch, a tray covered with food sitting on the floor next to him, and he’s holding a plate that seems way too delicate for his big hands, picking at what’s left of what I can only assume was a piece of cheesecake.
“What?” He looks at us, clearly in a good mood from the excellent blowjob he just received and the show he had a front row seat to right after.
“You ordered room service… then went and opened the door… while we were fucking?” Leena asks, incredulous.
“Yeah, the bell boy definitely seemed surprised. But can you blame him?” he says, gesturing down at his dick, which is nearly hard all over again, then shoves the last bite into his mouth. He gently sets the plate and tiny fork down on the tray and I shake my head.
He’s fucking ridiculous.
I’m standing here completely nude, holding a naked Leena who is still handcuffed to the railing above us and all we can do is stare at the audacity of this man.
Sebastian carefully chooses and picks up another plate. He’s just about to take a bite of his next course before he seemingly remembers our existence. The food stops halfway to his mouth and he looks back up at us with a wide smile. “Well? You gonna help me finish this or not?”
Irap on the door and wait. Nothing.
I balance the two coffees in one hand, then knock with my knuckles this time, because I know they’re already up. Sebastian is like a fucking rooster, awake and complaining about the day as soon as the sun is up. I stare at the door.
I let out a breath, then reach for the keycard tucked in the pocket of my jeans and open the door. I knock again as I step inside, because as much as I joke about it, I’m not sure I actually want to catch them with their pants down when I’m not invited.
That would just be fucking awkward.
“Yo! Rise and shine, lovenest!” I shout through the suite, making my way over to set Leena’s and my drinks down on the coffee table.
“Colton?” a sleepy Leena groans, drawing out my name from the bedroom, her voice muffled. “Did you bring me coffee?”
“Did you stay up way too fucking late?” I ask, smirking as I walk over to lean against the doorway between the two rooms.And… she’s naked.
Leena is alone in her bed,naked.
Well, at least I think she is. She’s lying on her stomach, face first into a pillow, and thankfully, her ass is covered by the blanket. But it doesn’t hide the view of her bare back.Fuck.
I stare for a moment, wondering why she didn’t bother covering up before I came in here. So, she’s confident.
That’s fine.
“Yes, we stayed up too late, and the guys still went to the gym this morning because they’re fucking insane. Did you bring me coffee?” She moans again. I force my gaze upward so I don’t have to look at how goddamn soft mybosslooks in that bed. My eyes trail up, finding their way to the railing above the door.