Holy fuck.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now.
“Colt?” she says again and I have to shake my head to bring myself back from the rampage of thoughts my mind just started bulldozing through.
I take a breath, trying to keep my voice steady.
Trying to ignore the fact that there’s a goddamn pair of handcuffs draped over that fucking rail.
Fuck. Me.
“Of course I brought you coffee,” I say, narrowing my eyes and reaching up to retrieve them.
They’re real.
Of fucking course they are.
I slide them into my back pocket.
“Bring it to me?” she says lazily.
Nope. I’m not going anywhere near my best friends’ woman when her shirt is off and now that I know…handcuffs.
I know this can’t possibly be arealrelationship, the guys don’t do that. I also know she has to be into some sort of kinky shit to wind up with Sebastian and Luke. But I don’t think having it confirmed helps with this ridiculous obsession I have with her.
“No way, boss lady. Get your ass out here. We have to leave in like an hour anyway,” I tell her, then slide the door closed so she can go find some goddamn clothes.
It’s no more than two minutes later when the door slides back open and Leena drags herself over to sit cross legged on the couch facing me. I turn, matching her position.
Her long, black hair is in a no-nonsense bun on top of her head, she’s wearing a pair of sweatpants that have to be Luke’s and a T-shirt so large it can only be Sebastian’s.
She stares blankly at me, half asleep. I smile, then reach over, grabbing her coffee off the table and handing it to her. She takes it, holding it with both hands and looking down like she’s about to cry tears of joy over the delicate little treasure.
I can’t help my snicker.
She’s done something similar every morning this entire week, but today is definitely on a whole other level.
Leena always says the hotel coffee tastes like fucking mud, and I don’t disagree. Whenever we’re away on ops, I make it a point to find whatever little cafe in the area has the best reviews and wake up early in the mornings so I can bring her something. Ever since she moved back with the guys, this has been our routine.
“Thank you,” she whispers before taking a sip. “Whose turn is it?” Her big eyes look up at me.
“Yours,” I say, still smiling.
She thinks for a moment. “Okay. Fifteen.Go.”
This game…I chuckle.
“God,let’s see. When I was fifteen, a sophomore in high school, I decided to grow my hair out for the first time. But I didn’t want to fix it or pull it back, so it was just in my face all the fucking time.” Leena laughs and I smile at how much she enjoys this little game. “Hmm… Oh! There was this guy who always dressed up as a hot dog at football games.”
“What?”She nearly snorts.
“Dead serious. Full-on, head to toe, hot dog costume. It was the weirdest fucking thing. One time he brought a whole case of hot dogs, and he would just hand them out to people casually when they walked by him. He wouldn’t even heat them up, they were just raw fucking weiners.” I’m nearly crying now.
“How the fuck do you remember this shit?” She laughs.