Page 141 of The Heart

Luke is dangling from a fucking cable below a helicopter that Colton is flying right above where Sebastian and I are fleeing for our lives on goddamn glorified dirt bikes, and they’re fuckinglaughing.

This is my life now.

I shake my head as Luke comes into view up in front of me, lowering slowly until he’s level with my eyes, matching my speed. He’s removed his helmet, so I can see how calm he looks, how steady he sounds, even if he’s only that way for my sake. Then he gives me directions in that soothing way Colton did to calm me down during my tattoo.

“Okay, Leena, Colton’s going to bring me a little closer, when he does, go ahead and lift yourself up off the seat, then left hand on the cable here,” he says, tapping at a spot on it in front of him. “Once I’ve got a hold of you, right hand above the other and lift yourself up to straddle my lap, alright?” he explains.

“Alright,” I say, because it makes sense.

But actually doing it sounds fucking terrifying.

“Okay, Fisher, easy does it,” Luke says, giving a thumbs up.

Colton guides Luke closer, and the comm lines go silent as I repeat the instructions over in my head.Stand up, left hand, right hand, jump.

Fuck me.

I cannot believe I’m doing this.

I stand on the foot pegs, and the second Luke is close enough, I put my left hand on the cable, keeping my right hand steady on the throttle as I do. Luke immediately wraps a strong arm around me, and I already feel better about this when he does.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Ready.” My heart is beating out of my chest.

“Right hand and jump in three, two, one,” he says, and I slap my other hand to the cable and push up on the pegs. He helps as I pull myself up high enough to wrap my legs around him, locking my ankles behind his back.

I hear my bike hit the ground hard and slide. The metal scrapes against the pavement and I cringe, thrilled I’m no longer on it.

“Well done, sugar,” Sebastian says, and I let out a breath for the first time.

I did it.

I smile as Luke removes my helmet, tossing it to the roadway below.

“That’s my girl,” Luke whispers only to me, brushing a quick kiss against my lips just as I feel the pull of us being hoisted higher.

I look down and immediately regret it. I gasp as the pavement grows further away at an alarming speed.

“So… you guys have done this before?” I say warily as my stomach drops out from under me. All three men laugh at my wary disbelief.

“Adrenaline junkie, remember?” Colton reminds me.

“Well, last time wasn’t a motorcycle. It was the bed of a truck. But same idea,” Sebastian chimes in.

“Okay, we’re talking about that later,” I grumble at them. Because this is so fucking dangerous, I suddenly feel the need to know what other dumb shit I can expect my men to get up to.

My men.

All three of them.

When the fuck did that happen?I shake my head.

“How about a lift, kid?” Sebastian shouts, swerving to avoid the bullets as they ricochet off the pavement around him. He draws his own weapon, firing back.

“You got it, old man.” Colton replies, and I feel the helicopter drag Luke and I through the air until we’re out in front of Sebastian’s bike.

Nope. Don’t like this.