“No! I mean… sorta?” I say awkwardly.
I don’t want to lie to him, but can I actually tell him what’s running through my head? I wrestle with that thought, right up until I see his eyes squeeze shut. See the pain and disappointment in his features.
It’s absolutely heartbreaking.
And I can’t fucking stand it. This man has had enough pain, enough heartbreak, enough loneliness. Can’t he see how much we all care about him?
How muchIcare about him?
“GoddammitColton!” I push up from the chair so I can pace beside the bed. “How I feel about you started way before the club. You just always make me fucking smile. My guys are so happy when you’re around, and I hate the mornings after we get home from a job, because you aren’t there. I love spending time with you, love when you bring me coffee and the way you make Sebastian and Luke laugh… even when you guys break shit in the house. I love that you’re smart, and obnoxious as all hell at the same time. How you always know exactly what to say to me when I’m upset and bring the three of us back together when we’re fighting. Then Lu and Seb told me that I could fuck you, and I didn’t think I even wanted to–”
“I’m sorry, what?!” he says, sitting up, but I don’t stop talking.
“–but then we went to the club… the one that youboughtso that Mia and the rest of them could keep their jobs to feed their families… and when I almost lost you... I realized the guys were right. I’ve fallen for you, Colton, and I still have no idea how you feel about me. But there’s absolutely no denying that I want you after seeing you in that show. Not when your goddamn perfect body with that perfect fucking dick was all up in my face and–”
My words cut off as he quickly stands, grabs my face and covers my lips with his. My heart stops for a moment, in absolute shock at how fast he moved considering his injury.
My head is tipped back because of his height, my body fitting perfectly flush against his. He pulls away slightly, his breathing hitched as his gaze meets mine, seeing if I’ll push him away.
I don’t.
He covers my mouth again, and I lean into the hard lines of him. His lips are soft, and I don’t know how he still smells good after everything we went through, butfuck mehe does. And the way he’s holding me right now, like he never wants to let me go, how his lips are pressed firmly against mine without moving, answers my question.He has feelings for me too.
So I kiss him back.
When my lips part, I can feel his heartbeat pick up. Our lips move against each other, and I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this kiss. It’s as if every time this man made me smile was poured into it. And maybe they were, because both of us are smiling now.
When he deepens the kiss, I slide my hands up his chest, feeling him quake under my fingertips. It’s such a strong reaction that I pull away, afraid I’m hurting him. I look up into those green eyes that are now glassy with emotion.
“You’re shaking,” I say, concerned.
“You’re the only thing in this world I’ve ever wanted, and the only thing I couldn’t have. I’m shaking because I’m fucking terrified this isn’t real,” he says, his raspy voice nearly breaking, his eyes searching mine.
“I was afraid before, because I already gave my heart to two people. I didn’t want to break theirs, or yours,” I say softly.
“And now?” he asks, his breathing ragged.
“Nothing in this world can change how I feel about Sebastian or Luke, and I’ll keep your heart safe for as long as you let me have it. Promise me you won’t break mine?” I say, my own eyes starting to well up. I know this is a lot to ask, a lot to promise. But I won’t risk our friendship over some fling or mild attraction.
I deserve more than that. So does he.
Colton leans his forehead against mine, then takes in a long breath before whispering, “I promise. My heart is yours.”
My body feels absolutely numb and alive all at the same time. And it’s not because I was shot, or from all the pain killers that are now coursing through my body, it’s because my lips are on Leena’s, and I never want to let her go.
I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve kissed someone. But not like this.
It’s never been like this.
When she started going off on one of her adorable little rants, I couldn’t believe the words she was saying. And sure, maybe I should have let her finish, but I heard all I needed to. That Leena has fallen for me, and the guys are okay with it.
My mouth moves against hers, tasting every inch of her for the first time. And she tastes so fucking good. I want all of her,needall of her. I internally curse the fact that I’m fucking injured and can’t take her the way my body is craving to right now.
Can’t let my dominant side come out and play with her. And fuck, does it want to. Sex is one thing, but she just gave meher.