“Well, fuck me!” Leena whines and I laugh. I laugh so loud it nearly brings tears to my eyes.
“Don’t tempt us, sugar.” I smirk.
The three of us aredozensof card games in, Luke is clumsily working to open our second bottle of Patrón and Leena is glaring at me from across the table as she draws another card. She lets out a little noise that almost sounds like a growl and that makes me laugh again, because she’s clearly mocking the noisesImake.
It’s fucking adorable.
Was it a good idea for all of us to get drunk on our first day here? Probably not. But this is the most fun I’ve had… Well,ever. Sure, Luke and I have had some great times, especially when we’ve found ourselves with a naked woman between us, but this feelsdifferent. The ladies are usually just there for the fuck and then they leave. Never, and I meannever, have we invited one to game night.
Luke and I have found ourselves stuck in enough placesoften enough to never go anywhere without thego-bag. It’s filled with every board game and card game that we have ever played. Anytime we find ourselves a new one, we buy it, and it goes in the bag. Over the years, we have built quite the collection. But never have we had so much fun being stuck somewhere, and it’s only been a few hours.
Luke finally gets the cork pulled from the new bottle and takes a swig, passing it to Leena who is sitting close enough she might as well be in his lap. I watch as those perfect lips press against the opening of the glass and my cock twitches in response as I imagine what else those lips can do.
But I gotta hand it to her, the girl can drink. And all the food and water we forced into her was definitely a good call. No way in hell were we letting her drink without the right preparation. In fact, we didn’t want her drinking at all after the day she had, but telling Leena not to do something had earned us some choice words.
So here we are.
Getting our asses handed to us by a five-foot-five one hundred and twenty poundkitten.Which is why I am having so much fun watching her lose this round.
“Lu, you got an ace?” I ask.
“Go fish,” he says quickly.
I may be drunk, but I ain’t stupid.
“Lucas Grant Campbell, you look me in the eyes and tell me that again,” I bark. This bastard has a tendency to cheat, and I’m absolutely not putting up with his bullshit just because we havecompany.
He stares straight back, giving me his best poker face. “Go…” he struggles, the features in his face and jaw twitch, but I’m not backing down. This is a stand-off and heknows it. “Go…” he tries again. “Fuck. Here,” he says, pulling the card out from his hand and tossing it down onto the table.
“That’s what I thought.” I mumble. “Last card.” I grin.
Leena has been watching these interactions with increasing curiosity and finally decides to speak up.
“So, aren’t your wives going to be wondering where you are?” she asks drunkenly, waving her cards between the two of us.
“Don’t worry, sweet thing. We don’t have anyone at home waiting for us.” I reply with the same lack of subtlety.
“Huh,” she blushes. “Why not?” She asks Luke, and for some reason it surprises me at how honest that question is. There is no pity, or judgment.
“Well,” Luke scratches at the back of his neck, “neither of us do the wholerelationshipthing. Our lifestyle doesn’t really allow for that, obviously,” he gestures to the small kitchen around us. She gives a slight tilt of her head in understanding.
“You don’t ever want to have someone?” She asks, looking at me this time, which is a surprise because she sat herself down right next to Luke and has been hanging overhimall night.
“Settling down sounds boring as fuck,” I answer honestly and am surprised to find her…smiling?The reaction catches me so off guard that I set my cards face down so that Luke, that dick, won’t see, and stare at her.
“What?” she asks.
“Why doesn’t that upset you? Anyone I have ever told that to has gone off on how I’m just immature and how I will change my mind when I meet the right person,”I stare at her, fascinated. Luke is staring at her too.
“I don’t think anyone can know you better than you know yourself. Lots of people do what’s expected of them and are miserable for it, so… you do you, sir,” she says, giving me a little drunken salute.
Andfuckif that isn’t the sweetest damn thing anyone has ever fucking said to me. And she’s completely shitfaced, which also means that she is being completely honest.
I glance at Luke and that smug bastard is giving me this “I told you so,” look.
I want to punch him.