Page 12 of The Coffee Shop

I have actively been denying that I am in love with this woman for months now. Luke’s known it, Luke’ssaid it.

And nowIfucking know it.Shit.

I glance at her. She’s biting at her perfect lower lip and running her fingers through that silky black hair that trails all the way down past her perfect breasts. The ones that we got toseeearlier. The ones that she,apparently, never hides away.

And she doesn’t fucking need to. They are so goddamn perfect and getting to stare at the outline of them through her shirt is the only consolation I have for getting the lonely side of the table. Especially since we now know exactly what she looks like without her shirt obstructing the view.

I’d imagined her naked. Lots of times. But the glimpse I saw earlier was so much fucking better.

“Ya know, I thought you guys had only been coming in for a year?” Leena asks, her question betraying her little “I don’t know you” act from earlier.

Luke and I give each other a quick look and smile,because our little hipster baristadoesremember us.

“We didn’t start coming in on Fridays for about six months,” Luke explains.

“Why not?” She asks.

“The job was that you weren’t supposed to see us. And wedefinitelyweren’t supposed to talk to you,” I say, taking another swig.

Leena looks over at me curiously, then puts her elbow on Luke’s shoulder and leans in to whisper, “then why did you?”

He stares back at her, giving her that smolder that he reserves for flirting. Their proximity is doing nothing to calm my growing interest that is, thankfully, hidden beneath the table.

“We got tired of seeing your pretty face only on the cameras, sweetheart,” I chime in.

“Cameras?” she looks up, surprised, but only for a moment. “Of course you have fucking cameras.” Then her eyes grow wide. “Hang on,where?” She looks between me and Luke frantically.

Luke laughs, then explains. “Just in the coffee shop. Since your father owns the place, he gave us access. We aren’tthatlucky,” he smiles at her again, then gives her a little wink. She blushes, and her eyes drop to his lips.

It’s always amazed me how easy it is for Luke to talk to women, his every word sounding like an invitation to take her to bed. And there is no doubt in my mind that Leena is thinking about just that.

Fuck, we have to reign this in. The plan was to have a little fun to ease some of her tension over the situation, not get drunk and fuck her so hard that she has trouble walking in the morning.

But now that’s all I’m thinking about.

About what she tastes like, how she would look with that pretty mouth wrapped around my cock.

Around Luke’s.

I shake my head to clearthatthought and then press my palm into the growing bulge behind my zipper in an attempt to calm it the fuck down.

“So what, do you guys just sit in a creepy van outside and watch my every move?All day?”She blinks.

“No, of course not!” Luke says, sounding defensive. “We take the Suburban.”

Leena rolls her eyes, chuckling. “Are you serious? That sounds boring as hell.”

“Our paycheck certainly isn’t boring. It’s going to pay for some upgraded equipment.” I smile, leaning back in my chair. “And we have other clients too, sugar. We’re running a business after all.”

“Aww yes, classic stalker business.” she says.

“BodyguardandPI.Notstalker. There’s a difference,” Luke corrects and I can’t help but smile at the way he is slurring his words. How his arm found its way over Leena’s shoulders.

Leena’s expression softens. “Why have you guys been so nice to me? You didn’t have to do all this just to cheer me up,” she says quietly, gesturing to the tequila, snacks and pile of games we’ve already played. “You don’t even know me.”

“You’d be surprised what you can find out just by following someone around for a year and a half,” Luke drawls.

“Yeah,definitelynot stalking,” she chuckles. “So what did you find out?” she challenges, looking between the two of us with a smile. I consider for a moment how well she is taking all this.