“Maybe he was jealous,” Sutton offered and put a few packets of sweetener in her coffee before taking a sip.
“Hardly, Sutton, I am telling you I have ruined everything with him.”
“Katie, you know I think you are adorable. And I am so happy that you are here in Otterville Falls. But I have to tell you that your seduction skills are sadly lacking.”
Katie slumped down further. Her unkempt hair laid limply around her face, and her sad expression had Sutton laughing.
“Girl, the man likes you and is fighting it. Seriously, we need to get you back in your game. First thing is that you need to take a shower; you smell like my gym socks. Second thing, we are going to set you and Dr. Young up on a date.”
Katie made a face, “Why? I don’t even like him.”
Sutton rolled her eyes, “You know that, and I know that, but Brian needs to know that you aren’t just waiting around for him to pull his head out of his ass. You said that he stomped over when you were out in the yard.”
Katie nodded, “He said I was butchering a plant. I can’t remember what he called it.”
Sutton’s smile widened. “I will have some flowers delivered tomorrow that will need to be planted. Let’s give our hero a reason to be neighborly.”
“I was only out there because of the stalker,” Katie huffed.
Sutton laughed, “I have a strong suspicion that your stalker and your reluctant suitor are the same person.”
“No,” Katie shook her head. “It isn’t possible.”
Sutton raised a brow, “Well, maybe not, but I still think there is more to this than you can see. Let’s poke the bear and see what happens. If he doesn’t rise to the bait, at least you know, and you can move on.”
Katie let out a deep sigh, “Alright, I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
Brian arrivedhome just in time to see Katie bent over, ass in the air as she planted a shade-loving plant in direct sunlight.Damn it, didn’t she read the tags at all?
He fought the urge to stomp his way over there and take care of things himself. But what happened next had his jaw-dropping.
Out of her garage in a pair of worn faded jeans came Dr. Young with a wheelbarrow full of some shit or another. Brian’s blood boiled.
How dare he worm in on his girl? This wasn’t happening.
Brian was out of his car and halfway across the grass when Dr. Young greeted him.
“Good to see you, Brian!”
“Like hell, it is,” Brian growled at the handsome doctor. “Why are you here?”
Dr. Young looked around at all of the plants. His expression was fairly clear; it said to look around him.
Brian took in the cases of plants. “Why does it look like Home Depot threw up their lawn and garden department in your yard?”
Katie had righted herself and moved to get in between the two men.
“I am doing some gardening, and Trevor offered to help.”
“Who the hell is Trevor?” Brian growled.
“That would be me,” Dr. Young said. The differences between the two men was almost laughable.
Brian was a retired Marine, his body a finely tuned machine. While also physically fit, Dr. Young had more of a lithe runner’s body and stood at maybe five-ten to Brian’s six-four.
“Why are you so interested in Katie’s plants?” Brian bit off.
“Hey, buddy, I don’t know why you have so much hostility, but I was invited here.”