He stroked her folds, feeling the intense heat of her, and he groaned as her muscles contracted against his finger.
“I don’t know if I can go slow,” he growled.
“Please,” Katie thrust her hips against him, brushing the top of his cock. He angled his tip at her entrance and then pressed home.
Katie screamed, and it didn’t sound like pleasure.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! Get it out! I think you broke me!”
“Are you a fucking virgin?”
It was Brian’s worst nightmare. Katie had started to cry, and he was terrified he had really hurt her. Carefully he pulled himself out and saw the blood on his cock.
“Shit, you’re bleeding!”
“It hurts!” Katie cried, and Brian did the only thing he could. He yanked their clothes on as best he could and raced them to the emergency room.
“Okay,Dr. Young, I will do that. Thanks for being so understanding,” Katie felt mortified. Not only was Dr. Young terribly young-looking. But she had a feeling that he was holding back laughter.
Brian hadn’t said much after bringing her to the emergency room, but he hadn’t left her, not even for the examination.
“Vaginal tears are common when a woman is particularly small, and her partner is larger,” Dr. Young handed her some pamphlets. “I am going to give you some samples of lubricant you can use and then advise you to use the vaginal dilators. Keep ice on your vagina, and you will be good as new in a few days.”
Katie’s cheeks burned, “Right, again, I appreciate your help.”
Dr. Young winked at her, “I had been meaning to introduce myself to the new deputy. Things have just been crazy here at the hospital.”
Brian growled, and for the first time, moved to Katie’s side.
“Is there anything else?”
Dr. Young shook his head, “No, she has signed the release. I would like to take another look in a few days to make sure things are healing correctly. Just call my office, and we will get you in.”
Brian muttered something that sounded vaguely to Katie like, “Over my dead body.”
Before she could get up, Brian had scooped her, the paperwork, and her ice bag into his arms.
“I can walk,” Katie blurted out, mortified.
“Don’t talk,” Brian commanded her and then walked her out to his truck and buckled her inside.
“He broke your vagina?” Sutton set the casserole dish on Katie’s counter and fought the urge to smile. Katie looked so miserable that it seemed like teasing her right now would be akin to kicking a small puppy.
“And now he won’t have anything to do with me!” Katie confessed, her hands wrapped tightly around her mug. “It’s been almost a week, and he is avoiding me like the plague!”
Sutton motioned to the coffee pot, “Do you mind?”
“Oh, of course not. Where are my manners?” Katie moved to grab Sutton a cup. She poured her some coffee and brought it over to the small kitchen table.
“Katie, he obviously is worried about you. Why else would he send me over here?”
Katie shrugged and took another sip of coffee. “It doesn’t even really hurt anymore, it’s only a little sore, and I went to my follow-up appointment with Dr. Young, who said everything was going to be fine.”
Sutton grinned, “Yeah, Dr. Young delivered the twins. He’s a good guy.”
Katie nodded, “I thought so too, but Brian didn’t like him at all.”