“No.” My voice was small. “I wasn’t sure if I believed it. Besides, I didn’t want to bother you out there and I didn’t feel comfortable asking anyone here about it.”
“What about that nice Mandy Brand? You seemed to get along well, and she seemed open and down to earth.”
I sighed. “I know, but that was before all hell broke loose with Gabe. Speaking of which, I can’t believe that they still don’t have any leads.”
Candice nodded and I watched as a bit of sadness entered her gaze. “I know that Knox has been working hard on the case.”
I am an idiot. Here I was going on and on about me and she was in real pain. I felt terrible as I exclaimed, “I am sorry, Candice. That, that was completely insensitive of me to ramble on just now.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “No, I don’t want to wallow over what might have been. I thought we had something, but I was wrong. It’s okay. I’m a big girl. It’s time to move on. However, Sutton, you are a master at changing the subject. Just go tell him about the baby.”
I stood back up again and she gave me a supportive nod. I swallowed hard. “Okay, I will do it. But does it really need to be now? Isn’t the morning just as well?”
Candice stood and lovingly pulled me to the door and down the hallway. She knocked when we stood in front of Mark’s office.
“Come in,” Mark commanded briskly.
“I think he’s busy,” I whispered frantically.
“I think you’re a chicken,” she hissed back, and I nearly smiled. She was spot on and she knew it.
Candice opened the door and yanked me in behind her. The first thing I noticed was that he was buried in paperwork. We had been playing catch up since we returned from Otterville Falls.
The second thing was his incredible eyes as they met mine and immediately softened. He looked tired, his chiseled jaw was shadowed, and I could see that he had been running his hands through his hair. He really was utterly and devastatingly handsome.
Rising to his feet, he came to give Candice a warm handshake. “We’re happy to have you back with us. Did you enjoy your time in Otterville Falls?”
Candice could have won an Oscar for the performance she put on.
Her smile was professional and assured as she answered, “Thank you, Mr. Williams. I had a wonderful time, but it's good to be back. You both will need to excuse me. I have several things I would like to finish up before the end of the day. Sutton, if you need anything I will be in my office.”
With that she softly closed the door behind her, and I found myself staring at the it like a forlorn pet when their master heads out for the day. I needed to get my shit together. I was Sutton Landry, one of the most influential women on Wall Street. I wasn’t afraid of one little baby.
Only Iwasafraid—I was damn near terrified.
Mark was giving me a curious look. “Is everything okay, sweetheart?”
I swallowed hard, not able to meet his eyes. “I need to tell you something.”
He rounded the desk and came to stand next to me. “Did they discover something new about the case?”
“No, nothing actually.”
Fucking hell, why does my voice sound so artificially high?
“But I do have gossip about Earl that will knock your socks off.”
He made a face. “Earl’s sex life is no concern of mine.”
I laughed, feeling the knot in my stomach unravel just a little bit. “I don’t think he has one anymore. I guess those crazy ladies have sunk their claws into Max now.”
Mark’s eyes popped. “He must be ten years younger than them, if not fifteen! Well done girls.”
I smirked. “Makes you wonder what kind of sexual voodoo they are practicing.”
“Ugh!” He shuddered. “Why would you go and deliberately put those kinds of images in my head? I need to wash my brain with bleach now.”
I laughed again and the knot loosened even more.