Her head tipped back, and a broad smile crossed her face. “You, Sutton Landry, are a terrible liar. You look a little green, and I have seen you place your hand on your stomach four different times.”
I had to snicker at that because I was a terrible liar, but I still couldn’t believe that she could tell I was expecting.
Her eyes narrowed. “I guess the better question is does the big boss know?”
My skin was turning beet red. “Well, I wasn’t sure.”
She raised a brow. “Did you take a test?”
“They aren’t always that accurate,” I retorted.
Candice looked sympathetic. “You have to tell him, Sutton. Mr. Williams loves you. He won’t be upset.”
The thing was, I knew that Mark loved me. I had finally gotten it through my thick skull that this man—this billionaire CEO—he actually loved me.
All my inconsistencies and imperfections aside, Mark loved me.
But I didn’t know if he was really ready to jump into fatherhood quite yet.
“Why don’t you go tell him?” Candice encouraged.
I nodded. “Okay, let’s do it.”
I made it out of my chair and about two steps before the pounding of my heart got the better of me. I knew the man loved me, of course he loved me. But a baby? Was this the path that he wanted to take?
“Candice! I can’t just walk in there and blurt out,‘Hey Mark, have you had a good afternoon? Oh, and by the way, we're having a baby. Could you pick up sushi for dinner?’It just doesn’t work like that.”
Candice wrinkled her nose, pretending to consider as she said, “I'm not so sure you can have sushi. They have all kinds of rules about what pregnant women can and can't eat.”
“Candice!” I whined, “I am serious.”
She nodded. “So am I. Sutton, have you seen a doctor yet?”