She wrinkled her nose. “I went to the drug store to pick up my meds.”

“Why is that embarrassing?” Brian asked.

She hung her head. “I haven’t been handling things very well since my dad passed. The doctor back home put me on an antidepressant and something to help the panic attacks. I needed to get mine refilled, but I know how this small town is and didn’t want it passed around. So, I called in my prescription for the town over.”

“Is that where he got you?”

She shook her head. “I never even made it into my car. I locked the door and was walking down the front steps when I heard something behind me. I went to turn, but something struck the back of my head and the next thing I knew I was tied up.”

Knox stepped forward. “We were able to get the medication transferred to the hospital, and it’s being filled at the pharmacy here. But you have been without it for a few days and the doctor wants you to stay overnight to make sure you are really okay.”

Maggie bit her lip. “I hate that doctor.”

Mark motioned for Candice to go out into the hall with him. I wondered for the briefest moment what that was about but shook it off when Maggie turned to me.

“Tell them that I am okay to go home. I have spent the last week by myself. I don’t want to stay here alone.”

“You won’t be alone.”

I looked over to see Brian staring intently at Maggie.

“I am staying with you. The doctor is going to give you your meds, an antibiotic, and a round of liquids and then you are going to sleep.”

I expected her to argue, but Maggie just blinked before nodding slowly.

The door opened and a young man came in that didn’t look older than seventeen.

“How is my patient?” He smiled and showed off perfectly straight teeth.

Maggie shrugged in a noncommittal fashion and Brian took a step forward to speak with the young doctor.

Candice and Mark had followed the doctor back into the room. She drew me aside and motioned to the young doctor. “Well?”

“Well what?” I was confused.

“Sutton, he delivers babies!” she said excitedly.

I turned around to see the doctor begin the IV in Maggie’s arm.

“I think he graduated high school last week.”

Candice laughed. “He can’t help that he has a baby face. Dr. Young, appropriately named, went to school in Boston and moved out here because he has a passion for the heartland of America.”

“Dr. Young?” I scoffed.

He raised his head. “Yes?”

I hadn’t meant to be so loud. “Sorry, doctor. HowDoctor, how are you?”

He smiled, and I wondered if he even knew how to shave.

“I am twenty-seven years old, if you are wondering.” He winked at me and went back to work.

Dr. Young was older than I was? How could that even be possible?

I wonder what moisturizer he used.