“This is a really stupid idea, Sutton.”
“Candice, with all due respect,” I paused as my grin widened, “this is an exceptionally stupid idea.”
“Then tell me why we are doing this again?” Mark grumbled at my side.
“Because Knox is being a pantywaist and won’t let us see the crime scene,” I explained for what had to be the millionth time.
We approached the church in the dark of night with Earl as our trusty guide. Who better to lead us than the man who had broken in on numerous occasions to steal the sacramental wine and tithes? Granted, I knew now that the tithes he had swiped had gone into helping me and my mom over the years—and the wine, well, that’s all on Earl.
“Will y'all shut up?” Earl grumbled right on cue. “I’ve never heard of such loud criminals in my life.”
“Neither have I, but I must admit I am enjoying the show.”
We all froze at the sound of Knox’s voice coming out of the darkness.
Fucking hell.
“Did you find the button you were looking for?” Candice called out suddenly.
I really did adore the woman. It’s a true best friend that will try and cover your ass even when they think you are completely in the wrong.
Knox stepped out of the darkness. “A button?”
Candice raised her chin. “Well, why else would we be here?”
A slow smile split the sheriff’s handsome face. “Oh, I dunno, maybe something about Knox being a pantywaist?”
I felt color suffuse my cheeks. “I was just saying that in general.”
A bark of laughter escaped Mark, followed by a forced coughing attack.
Earl stuck his hands out. “It was my idea. Go ahead and arrest me.”