I had officially entered hell.

And Martha was still cockblocking me.



We were gathered in the trailer’s tiny living room and Knox was shooting off his mouth. “I am just saying that if you need more rooms until the Baker Mansion is finished, someone is welcome to stay with me.”

It was obvious that he wanted Candice to come and play house with him. It was equally as clear that Candice wasn’t about to take him up on his offer. I wasn’t sure what had happened to the lovebirds to put up her back against him and, frankly, I didn’t care.

Brian shrugged. “You aren’t needed.”

He had about four inches on Knox and a good forty pounds. Where Knox was runner lean, Brian was brute strength. I’d have a complex about him myself if I didn’t know for a fact that Sutton loved me.

Brian never lacked for a lady’s attentions.

Knox sputtered. “Look, just because you come in here...”

“No offense, Sheriff, but I am here to protect Sutton, and, by extension, Candice. We appreciate your update, but you can go on ahead and work on your case.”

Knox looked like he wanted to knock Brian’s block off. But Brian acted like he was completely oblivious to the tension coming from the smaller man.

Candice cleared her throat. “I’m sure that Brian will do a great job protecting us.”

Knox gritted his teeth. “I was doing just fine at protecting you before the Hulk arrived.”

Brian smirked at Knox. “Yeah, that’s why they called me in—because you were doing such a kick-ass job.”

I snorted back a laugh and tried to cover it with a cough.

Brian was one mean motherfucker. I wouldn’t mess with him and I certainly wouldn’t argue with him.

Knox looked close to having steam come out of his ears. “You can’t all stay here. There aren’t enough beds.”

Candice blinked innocently. “We could always share.”