Brian grinned, and Sutton had to leave the room with a coughing fit of her own.
I wasn’t sure what was going on with Knox and Candice, but I knew the look on my brother’s face, and it said pure mischief. I needed to put a stop to all of this.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the house is finished. I had a voicemail when the plane touched down in N.Y. They’ll be done with the place tomorrow and start deliverying the furniture we ordered. Should be okay to take residency in a night or two.”
Brian almost looked disappointed.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, Candice said, “If it’s only for a night or two, I can stay with Knox.”
You would have thought it was Christmas in Knoxland. For the rest of the conversation, we rehashed everything that had been shared with Sutton.
Brian was careful not to mention that he knew Forrest personally. We had decided that it was best to keep that option open if we needed him to play informant again with the man. Knox brought us up to speed with Justin’s daughter.
“I asked Sutton not to reach out, but she’s already contacted the woman.”
Sutton’s back straightened. I could tell she was itching for a fight.
“Knox, it may surprise you, but I don’t take orders from you. I don’t take orders from Mark and I’m sleeping with him.”
I laughed. “She’s got you there.”
Sutton came and sank beside me. I could feel the tension radiating from her and decided that it was time to kick them all out.
Candice and Knox headed toward his place, while Martha and Earl went back to the small home on the parish that they shared. Brian took off to give us some alone time, and finally I had Sutton to myself.
I carried her to the bedroom and slowly began removing her clothes, one piece at a time.
“You are so tense, baby. Let this go,” I commanded as I pulled her panties down her sweet thighs. “Just think about how good this feels.”
As I spread her thighs and took her sweet pussy in my mouth, I felt the tension holding her back begin to slide away. One lick from her core to her bud had Sutton moaning and grasping at my hair.
“Fuck,” she muttered. “You are so good at that.”
I smiled against her thigh. “You want more?”
She groaned as I began to lick and suck her pussy. I picked her up by the ass and didn’t let her down until she was boneless. It was the least I could do.