Page 42 of Sutton's CEO

The look in Mark’s eyes was feral. I would have taken a step back if he hadn’t had me held still tightly against him. The photographer was smart enough not to come any closer, but he didn’t leave either.

Another one of them shouted out, “How long have you two been dating?”

I almost responded that we weren’t when Mark jumped in. “My fiancé and I are not answering any questions at the moment. Have a good day, gentlemen.”

There was a flurry of excitement among the reporters and another series of flashes. But whatever they had asked us next was lost as Mark whipped us around and rushed us to the car. It was a lot longer walk back than it had been on my haphazard run for freedom.

I hung my head in shame and didn’t make a comment when Mark opened the door and shoved me inside. He jumped in behind me and then wrapped an arm around my waist. I guess he wasn’t taking any chances. I wasn’t going to run from him again. Shit, I had only wanted a little independence.

“Home,” Mark barked to the driver.

I could see the muscle in his jaw pulsing and knew that he was angry. I wanted to say something, anything, to ease the growing tension in the car.

I opened my mouth to utter heaven knows what when Mark spoke, “Don’t.”

My mouth popped closed and then I felt a scowl cover my face. I opened my mouth again to argue, but he clapped his massive hand over my parted lips.

“I need to think, and I can’t do that with you carrying on, Sutton. Just be quiet for a moment, okay?”

I saw the strain in his eyes and the tightness around his mouth. I had really screwed up this time. I met his eyes and noted that they no longer held the fire and desire that they had in the park. He looked tired, stressed, and freakishly hot.

Okay, that last one just slipped out. I am not attracted to Mark Williams.

He dropped the hand that was covering my mouth and his head flopped back against the headrest. He had closed his eyes, and I figured that gave me free reign to stare.

Being this close to him, with his arm still anchoring me to his side, I was able to see every bit of stubble on his chiseled jaw. I loved the way his lips were formed, and the sexy way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed.

I am not attracted to Mark Williams.

His dark hair was mussed from the wind or perhaps our chase. I wanted to feel it sliding through my fingers. I wanted to put my lips on his throat and hear that rasp in his voice again that I heard back in the park.

I am not attracted—my lady bits clenched, calling me a liar. I was so fucking attracted to Mark Williams I could hardly see straight.

He parted his lips to speak without opening his eyes. “Why are you staring at me?”

“I wasn’t staring.” I quickly looked away only to glance back and catch a sliver of his silvery gaze through the small slits of his hooded eyes.

“Don’t lie to me, Sutton.”

“’Don’t lie to me, Sutton,’” I mocked. “’Don’t run from me. Don’t talk, I can’t think, Sutton. Don’t go anywhere without me knowing, Sutton.’ You are smothering me, Mark. I can’t stand it.”

He stared, and I wondered if he was finally starting to see my side of things.

But he only closed his eyes with a sigh.

I tried to pull away from him, and his arm tightened, bringing me as close as I could get against his hot flesh. Any closer and I would be on the man’s lap. I remembered being on there about an hour ago as he had spanked me.

It had started out humiliating, and somewhere around the middle had turned into something entirely different. I squirmed in my seat, the heat of my bottom reminding me just how much I had liked being spanked.

Who knew I had a kinky side to me? I wondered if Mark had spanked a lot of women. The thought made me angry.

“Do you always spank people you are upset with?” I blurted out.

His eyes flew open as he regarded me incredulously, “I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me,” I challenged, not backing down.

Mark leaned forward. We were already close, and his extra added nearness had my brain on meltdown. But I caught what he said. Shit I couldn’t have missed it.