With a long arm, I wrapped it around her waist and yanked her to me. Sutton’s feet left the ground as I pressed her body against mine.
“Going somewhere?” I inquired.
She looked up at me, cupped my face, and planted a kiss right on my lips. I was so shocked that I almost dropped her, my grasp weakening from surprise and delight. The second she felt like she could get away, she shoved me hard with two hands and started running once again.
Little minx. She thought she could outwit me. This was going to be fun.
Chapter Eighteen
I raced through Central Park, feeling my heels sinking into the grass. He caught me in moments and yanked me back against his muscular chest. How could something so hard feel so right? My chest rose and fell rapidly with my ragged breathing. I was an idiot to think I could escape him.
And why in the hell had I kissed him? What the fuck was wrong with me? I didn’t like the man. He was domineering and bossy. Shit, his chest wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Don’t think about his dick, don’t think about his dick.
“Where do you think you are going?” he whispered silkily next to my ear. I felt his lips against the tender skin and it creamed my panties.
“Anywhere you aren’t,” I spat, ignoring the way that his arm was nestled right up against my breasts as he kept me glued to his chest.
My hips shifted the slightest bit and I felt his cock push further against the soft curve of my ass. It shouldn’t have felt that good. We were both wearing clothes. I was getting a bigger high dry humping his dick than I had in all of my previous sexual encounters combined.
He growled and clamped down on my body so that I was immobilized. Mark placed the softest of kisses along the side of my neck. I couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped my lips. It was long, low, and loud, and fucking embarrassing if I am being honest.
I saw a woman glance our way and her cheeks heated before she quickly averted her eyes.
Shit, now I was going to be picked up for public indecency and I hadn’t been in trouble with the law for a long time—at least a year, maybe even eighteen months.
“Don’t run from me.” His dark command did something to my lady bits that didn’t need more reason to lust after this man. I wished that I could get my womanly urges on board with my brain, because I was seconds away from lifting my skirt and offering him a first-class ticket to paradise. Somehow, I knew that with him it couldn’t be anything but paradise.
“Are you ready to behave?”
I wasn’t a dog. “You can’t tell me what to do.”
And now I was sounding like a teenager. This is what this man reduced me to. Suddenly I started to laugh. It was ill-timed and completely out of context. But all I had done was go to lunch with a friend. And yes, I was starting to consider Candice as a friend. My first real female friend.
Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. All the of fight flew out of me and I sagged into his arms as giggles escaped my mouth. I couldn’t believe that I had jumped out of the car. And then there was that kiss.
I had been trying to push it out of my mind. The kiss was an evasion tactic, nothing more. But that didn’t explain why my nipples were still beaded tight. Nor did it mesh with my lips that were still tingling. I wanted to kiss him again—and again.
It didn’t make sense. I wasn’t into him.
Maybe if I told myself that a million times a day, I could make it be true. Like my new personal mantra: ‘I do not lust after Mark Williams.’
Lost in thought, when he turned me to face him, I didn’t react fast enough. One second, I was thinking about how I didn’t want his sexy ass body—fucking lie. And the next, he was kissing me. It wasn’t like the kiss I had planted on him.
That had been quick and hurried, hard and fast, in and out if you will. This kiss was meant to control. He had a hold on my wrists and held them behind my back so that I was powerless against him. He lit an intense fire in the pit of my stomach. I leaned into the kiss, opening my mouth, practically begging him for more.
His growl of approval was all I needed to reach onto my tiptoes and kiss him back just as ardently as he was kissing me. My body felt amazing against his. I rubbed my breasts against his chest, wishing that my thin blouse and his dress shirt weren’t hindering the effect.
He ripped his lips away from me so suddenly that I whimpered.
“You are seconds away from being fucked in the park.” His voice had deepened an octave, and I don’t think I have ever seen his silver eyes so vibrant.
Mark Williams wanted me. He not only wanted me, but he was throwing all of his fancy-pants rules out of the window and kissing the shit out of me in the middle of Central Park. I wondered why he stopped when I heard it: the familiar clicking noise of a camera.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
“Do you have a statement to make, Mr. Williams?” a particularly brave man asked. I was guessing that we would be on the trashy news by six tonight.