Page 10 of Lucy

Fear and dread coiled in my stomach. How could she be going there? That was directly into the line of fire. I didn’t spend the last eighteen years protecting her only to see Lucy face the same fate as her mother.

In a blur of light, I raced out of the caves and to where the jet was waiting. I demanded that we fly for Transylvania immediately.

My servants were too well bred to gawk at the pronouncement, but I knew they were shocked. It had been a long time since we had graced their royal door. I was tapping on the arm rest when Roger approached me with a bag of blood.

“You are looking a bit pale, milord,” he offered the bag.

“I was never a Lord and you know it,” I said, right before sinking my teeth into the bag and drinking the delicious life-saving blood.

Roger’s eyes gleamed. “No, milord, however I like the way it sounds better than Sir Knight.”

I almost smiled. The man had been older when he was turned and was rocking some gray hair throughout his dark locks. I knew that the ladies fancied him, called him a Silver Fox. Even Lucy seemed to adore my servant, but then, she loved everything that had to do with me.

A part of my heart leapt at the notion. But another graver chunk knew that it was only because I had been her entire world. She would now learn that I was just a blip on the horizon when compared to everyone she will now come in contact with.

If I was being truly honest, I would admit that I was terrified she would decide she didn’t need me anymore.

I shook my head, banishing the thoughts from my mind. I wasn’t about to let things get out of hand. I would get there and protect her. In the meantime, I just had to hope that Henry was on the job. My older brother was surly, huge, and often mistaken for a pit-bull on steroids. If anyone could keep Lucy safe, it was Henry.

I just hoped that he didn’t scare the shit out of her. The man had muscles upon muscles and scars on a great deal of his body. Vampires heal fast, but all of the battles that Henry had been in certainly had left their mark.

Hours later, when the jet touched down, I had barely allowed them to depressurize the cabin and open the doors before I raced out into the night, desperate to find her.