“Please tell me youare Queen Vivian with a new hairstyle.”
The giant of a man scowled down at me with a tight jaw and clenched fists.
I frowned, uncertain of why he was so angry. It wasn’t like I had done anything to him, not yet anyway.
“I am not Queen Vivian,” I said with a smile that showed him I wasn’t afraid of him. When you have the ability to raise people from the dead, teleport, and even fly should you so wish it—big brawny men were the least of my worries.
I turned on my heel to the girls. “Obviously, He-Man here isn’t happy about our visit. Let’s go.”
Evangelina shook her head. “No.”
She was ballsy for a kid, I had to give her credit for that.
“Lucinda, why are you here?” Henry growled at me. I even saw the slightest bit of fang, which to my surprise, wasn’t unattractive on the man. He had taken a step back from me, almost as if he needed the distance to clear his head.
“I am here because Viv and Joanie deemed it so. And because it wasn’t fair that I keep Veti locked up in the caves any longer. I am a grown woman!”
I fought not stamping a foot for emphasis, knowing full well that I would look just like a child had I done so.
“I can smell how grown up you are, there is no need to point it out.” His tone was caustic and I immediately worried that I stank something fierce. It wasn’t like I could do a pit check when he was glaring at me.
“Do I stink?” I hissed at the girls.
Angelica shook her head. “No, you smell fine to me.”
Evangelina shrugged, “I don’t smell anything.”
I could literally hear Henry grinding his teeth, and it brought my gaze back to his.
“Yes?” I stood my ground. Even if I did smell bad to him, I still wouldn’t back down. I didn’t ask to be here, and the girls brought me here. So, he could suck it if he thought I would just cower underneath his male dominance.
Master never treated me this way.
A longing, thick and strong, washed over me as I thought of my Master and how much I missed him. Suddenly, I felt very tired.
“Fuck,” Henry uttered again, turning and stomping over to a refrigerator. He yanked out a bag of blood and stormed back, shoving it into my arms. “You need to feed. Damnit woman, you can barely stand.”
I wanted to retort that I was fine, thank you very much. But he was right, my body was getting weak and I needed blood. I didn’t hesitate to sink my teeth into the plastic bag. But the taste that exploded in my mouth was nothing like I had ever tasted before.
Rich and thick, the coppery substance coated my mouth and sent every nerve ending into high alert. I felt my pulse quicken. My eyes dilated, and I had the strangest feeling in my lady parts. My nipples tightened until they were tight points, and they felt heavy and almost needy.
From a clinical perspective, I knew that it wasn’t natural to have been launched into this state of arousal so quickly. In the next instant, I knew what I was drinking. This wasn’t the blood of an animal, this was human blood, with the hormones and life-giving nutrients that would make my vampire self into the person that it was meant to be.
I knew what the blood lust was, just as I knew how sexually charged vampires could be when they fed. But knowing something clinically and experiencing it for yourself are two very different things. With everything sharpened around me, I sucked the bag dry and then launched myself at Henry.
For the briefest moment he was stunned, and he caught me in his arms. I started climbing him like a spider monkey, intent on sinking my fangs into his neck. Just the smell of him in the room had my desire ramped up to the fullest.
Just as my teeth grazed his neck and my fingers dug into his flesh, Evangelina cast an immobilization spell on me. I wanted to snarl and hiss like a wild animal, but I was helpless. What was even more frustrating was that I had never had someone do magic on me before.
It was very illuminating to see what having someone else take away your free will was really like. I didn’t enjoy it at all. Henry was able to disentangle himself from my death grip. My eyes followed him like a snake eyeing his next meal.
His hands were shaking.
Had I scared him? That didn’t seem possible. A small part of the blood lust dissipated just as the door to Henry’s rooms came crashing in.