Page 33 of Vivian

CHAPTER 17 – Viv

As quiet as it had been, there was an explosion of sound. There were cries of outrage mixed with shouts of a conspiracy. Ace and Brendon tucked me between them as they faced the angry crowd.

My body was shaking like I hadn’t eaten, but that wasn’t the problem. I couldn’t be one hundred percent pure blood. It just wasn’t possible.

Cian didn’t say a word during the entire affair. He just stood there with an indulgent smile playing on his lips as if he were in the midst of watching a rather humorous play.

“What family is she?” Malcolm spat.

Both Ace and Brendon were armed and poised to take down anyone that tried to harm me.

“It is obvious what line she comes from,” Cian answered the question. “You have been holding out on us, my love.”

I smelled the sickly scent of cotton candy. He was trying to compel me in front of the entire vampire court. A bold move, indeed, with my protectors so close.

“I am not your love,” I straightened my shoulders. “I’m not your anything.”

The smile fell from his face. “Is that how you wish to play it then? Are you going to attempt to take my throne?”

He said the words like it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. The members of the court tittered, and it seemed like they were starting to resort back to their usual nastiness.

“There is only one thing that can be done in this instance,” Malcolm stepped forward. His brow was furrowed, and he shook his head in disbelief. “She must fight Cian for the throne.”

My eyes widened in alarm as my heart rate slammed through me.

“Fight? What do you mean?”

Ace placed a hand on my arm to steady me.

“An official challenge?” Cian cocked a brow, “I like it.”

“You can’t fight Vivian; she’s had no training.”

Cian looked at Brendon, “I can do whatever I want, I am the king.”

“Not for long,” Ace muttered under his breath.

Considering that we all have excellent hearing, this might not have been the best plan.

“I issue a formal challenge to Vivian Browning, or as the test results state, Vivian Vasile. We fight to the death, or if one of us decides to concede, they will be banished and hunted as a rogue vampire. Do you accept the terms?”

“Me?” I squeaked. “What?”

Malcolm laughed. “She’s a child.”

“I am eighteen!” I demanded, and then realized that I sounded just like a child. “Look, I don’t even know how to fight.”

“Are you saying that you would fight if you were trained?” Cian asked mildly.

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Viv, don’t answer that!” Brendon’s advice came seconds too late.

“Then it is settled, she has accepted the challenge. In two weeks’ time, we will fight in the courtyard and settle this once and for all.”

Ace wrapped an arm around my waist and started pushing me out of the room. Brendon was hot on our heels. They didn’t stop until we were in Brendon’s room, and that’s when I rounded on them.

“What in the hell happened back there? I thought you both were protecting me!”