Brendon gave me a look that I well recognized. It’s the same one you get when your teacher is searching for her glasses, and they are perched on her head. It said loud and clear that everything went according to plan. But I didn’t remember anywhere in the plan where I was supposed to fight the vampire king.
“I can’t fight him!” I felt stupid tears gathering and blinked my eyes to will them away. “I don’t even like fighting, and I am not any good at it.”
“How do you know you’re not good at it?” Ace countered.
“Because I don’t know how,” I said slowly as if I was speaking to a toddler.
Ace snorted, “You have new instincts that will kick in once you are in the heat of battle.”
“If those instincts involve running like hell, then I think I have them already.”
Brendon’s lips twitched, but he kept his mouth shut.
“I don’t like anything about this,” I grumbled and flopped onto my back on the bed. “How are you going to turn me into a fighting machine in two weeks? It looked me eight months to learn how to parallel park!”
Brendon moved over toward me, and I felt the familiar tingles in my stomach, but there was something more there. I needed him. I was feeling scared and uncertain, and as if he could sense that, he moved to the head of the bed and pulled me up so that I was cradled in his lap. Ace laid on the other side and placed a hand on my leg.
“Viv, we would never put you in a situation where you could get hurt.”
I sniffled, “How do you explain tonight then, Ace?”
“Well,” he said with a wink. “If the king isn’t here to fight, there wouldn’t be a challenge, would there?”
“What?” A spark of hope flared inside of me. Could my guys already have a plan in place? Seriously, of course, they did.
I turned and leaned up to kiss the underside of Brendon’s chin. He swooped down and captured my lips instead. I felt Ace’s hand on my leg tighten, and the thought of having them both in the same bed had my panties soaked. I knew they could smell my arousal and I didn’t care.
I felt the sharp prick of Brendon’s incisors. Ace moved his hand to the hem of my dress and started to inch it up my thigh.
The feel of Brendon’s tongue caressing mine in conjunction with the way that Ace was now caressing my thighs had all of my circuits going crazy. I wanted these men. They were mine. I didn’t believe in soul mates or any of that shit, but I knew as well as anyone how I felt in my heart. I had fallen in love with Brendon and Ace.
Ace’s fingers caressed the edge of my panties. I gasped and broke Brendon’s kiss. He simply continued kissing my neck and shoulders finding erogenous zones that I hadn’t even known existed.
“Please,” I whimpered. I didn’t know what I was asking for. Did I want them to fuck me, here and now? Was I really ready to take that step? The answer came with a resounding sense of rightness. Yes, I wanted this, my first time to be here and now.
Ace’s finger slipped under the elastic, and I moaned long and loud when he stroked my heat.
Brendon sucked the tender skin behind my ear as his hands made their way to the back of my dress. My heated skin needed to be exposed. Ace yanked my panties down and shoved up my dress.
I saw his face as he looked at the part of me that no man had ever seen before. Brendon stopped kissing me for a second so he too could take in my nakedness.
“I need to taste you.”
I had never heard Ace sound like that before. He stood off the bed for a moment, ripping off his suit jacket and button-up shirt. Leaving only his suit pants on, Ace crawled up the bed and between my thighs.