I raised a brow, “Indeed? I would assume you are pretty proud of yours then.”
Francine’s eyes glittered dangerously, “I am nearly 80%.”
Malcolm scoffed, “You are 76%, don’t pretend to be better than you are.”
The rebuff surprised me. I hadn’t know that Malcolm could be such a snob. Or maybe he was defending me? I really couldn’t tell.
While Francine huffed, Cian leaned in close.
“There are certain families that rule. Up until recently, the court was ruled by the Vasile family. Sadly, there was a massacre, and the entire family was wiped out.”
I gasped. “How many were in the family?”
Cian shrugged. “Oh there were seven or eight children. The King was on his second or third wife. Anyway, it was quite a scandal.”
He said it like someone mixed up the milk order, and they accidentally picked up 2% instead of skim.
“My family was next in line. Our family name of Constantin goes back as far as the records are kept. There is also the Dravens, which of course our Malcolm come from. The triplets, Adrian, Alden and Abel, they are from the Nicolae family.”
“What is Brendon’s family?” I asked.
“Dumitru,” Cian and Malcolm answered at the same time.
Cian smiled, “It was their family or mine who would inherit the throne, but as you can see when the testing came back, my blood was purer than theirs.”
I had a sneaking suspicion that Cian tampered with the results. He was such a liar anyway. He probably was behind the ruination of the Vasile family.
There was a slamming of the door when Brendon and Ace entered the ballroom with a rather harried looking currier.
“We found this servant trying to open the official DNA documents,” Brendon said through clenched teeth.
Cian stood and eyed the servant with cold eyes.
“You are aware that this is an act of treason against the court?”
“But, but... Your Majesty,” the man stammered to get the words out.
In a flash, there was a dagger sticking out of the man’s chest. Blood spurted from the wound, and he gasped. Brendon grabbed the royal documents just as the man keeled over.
Cian looked angry. It had happened so quickly that I wasn’t sure who killed the man.
“Well,” Brendon raised a brow, “Shall we read the results?”
Cian gritted his teeth and smiled, “Of course, that is what we are all waiting for.”
The red wax seal was broken, and Brendon unfolded the document.
“Vivian Browning’s vampire pureblood percentage is...”
There was silence in the room; one could have heard a pin drop.
Brendon smiled softly and turned to me as he read the results, “One hundred percent.”